When Thanksgiving Day comes around, there’s lots of work to do before the big feast. But who wants to wait until late afternoon to eat anything? Should the non-cooks starve while the cooking experts in the family put all their efforts into masterpieces that will take hours and hours to come to fruition?
On the one hand, you don’t want the kids munching on junk snacks and filling up their bellies so that by the time the feast is ready, they’re no longer interested. But on the other hand, you also don’t want a house full of grouchy, hungry people.
This year, partly because we have an oversupply of farm fresh eggs, and partly because boiled eggs can be prepared in advance and eaten when needed, I am preparing a festive snack of decorated boiled eggs.
Step 1: Boil the Eggs
In order not to leave Bow alone while preparing these eggs, I boil them in a pot on a portable burner in the pens.
I usually leave the eggs after boiling in the hot water and allow them to gradually cool down.
The next step is to mark them as boiled eggs, so they will not be confused with fresh eggs when people are preparing the fixings for the feast.
Step 2: Draw Faces on the Eggs
After toweling off the eggs, I like to draw faces on them. It has long been a tradition in our family that we scribble on boiled eggs to distinguish them from fresh. But why just scribble, when you can give your eggs a face, each face different, with its own personality?
I use a regular school pencil and there is no need to color the egg, as it already has a pleasant looking complexion. You can make them look like men or women, children or apes or anything else you like.
Step 3. Arrange a dozen of these egg people in an empty egg carton.
If you have small children in the house, you can tell them stories about the egg people. For instance, you can pretend that the egg carton is a bus, and all the egg people are going cross country to meet their families for Thanksgiving.
Step 4: Put the Egg People Bus where people will see it, so they can pick their own pre-feast snack.
There are always bananas and apples on my dining room table for people to snack on. Around Thanksgiving, there are also pomegranates. But for those who want a complete meal and not just a fruit snack, there is nothing like the incredible, edible egg, which contains in a single package most of the nutrients that we need in order to stay alive.
This way, when all the great chefs are pattering about the kitchen, the rest of the people have something handy to snack on, while they wait for the feast to come!
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Aya Katz, great idea, the portable burner idea is a great way to fix the eggs, We have used that method to fix corn on the cob for our thanksgiving feast for a few years now. It never crossed my mind to boil the eggs. The wife has a way with making devil eggs that keeps the egg population in our home on the endangered list.
Yum, yum, chicken coop here I come… 🙂
Thanks, Teddletonmr! Portable burners are good when I need to cook, but I’m not in the kitchen. Haven’t tried it for corn on the cob yet, but it sounds like a good idea! If your wife has a way with deviled eggs, then maybe boiling eggs is not the best way to go.
When I was younger I never really ate eggs, but now I love these. The idea of decorating the boiled eggs with draw faces is very cute. I like the egg people bus.
Thanks, Sweetbearies! I used to scarf boiled eggs down in my youth, but now I confine myself only to the yoke. However, for people with no sensitivity to egg protein, this is a healthy snack packed full of nutrients. And, of course, the faces make it more fun!