Most overweight people want to lose weight quickly and look for the fastest way to lose weight. Many have tried a huge variety of diets; have lost weight in and gained it back again. The most effective diet plans utilize timing throughout the day. No matter what diet plan you are following, there are some things you can do to make it more effective. First, the plan must have you consuming fewer calories than you need each day. One thing that most people don’t pay attention to is matching their daily activities with their natural circadian rhythm.
Circadian Rhythm
Most people in the United States get up about 6:30 AM or 7:00 AM and since you have fasted while sleeping it is the time to weight yourself each day. Next, you may want to do your exercise. Breakfast should be an hour after awaking, and the amount you eat depends on whether you have already done your exercise. If you plan to exercise within an hour after eating breakfast, you want to eat a light breakfast or drink something to raise your blood sugar, such as sports drink or smoothie. Emphasize carbohydrates for maximum energy. Most diets limit the amount of carbohydrates, so the morning is the best time to eat them. Eating too much before exercise can leave you feeling sluggish, or you may have stomach problems during exercise
Some good breakfast options are:
- Whole – green cereals or bread
- Low-fat milk
- Juice
- Bananas
If you’re not a person who wants to eat in the morning before working out, then try a sports drink instead. If you only drink coffee or tea in the morning it is fine to do so before exercise.
According to Dr.Oz, 8 AM is the perfect time a for metabolism boost. “Drink a full ice-cold glass of water as this actually burns calories since your body is warm and it works to warm the water.”
When is the best time to go grocery shopping?
Go to the store at 10 AM as you are still full from breakfast, your blood sugar is stable and you will be less prone to buy foods not on your diet. Always take a grocery list and only by what is on that list.
Plan Your Exercise and Diet
When you’re mealtime is planned according to your circadian rhythm you will be hungry about four hours after breakfast for lunch, and then about six hours later for dinner. Another helpful trick is to take a fiber capsule before dinner, as this will curb your appetite so you will eat as much. It can substitute for a carbohydrate. Never eat anything three hours before bedtime. It you eat following your circadian rhythm you will find you are less hungry between meals.
Another way you can plan your day is to exercise before you eat whichever meal you choose. You can eat your biggest meal of the day about 30 to 45 min. after exercise, which gives you an advantage. At this time your body is responsible for energy production. Energy storing hormones within the blood are suppressed, so that means there is less chance your food will be stored as fat. Carbohydrates will be taken up immediately to replace the low glycogen stores caused with exercising. Protein is necessary to aid recovery and growth of the new calorie burning muscle tissue and most of the fat from the meal will be needed to fuel many of these reactions.
Foods to Lose Weight
List of Some Negative Calorie Vegetables which means it takes more calories to digest them then the vegetables contain:
Asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chicory, chili peppers, cucumbers, garlic, fennel, green beans, lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, turnips, and zucchini.
List of Negative Calorie Fruit
Apples, apricots, blackberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, grapefruit, guava, lemons, mangoes,
oranges, the pious, peaches, apples, plums, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, tomatoes, and watermelon.
Detox the Liver in one Week
One the biggest problems for dieters is breaking the sugar and fat addiction. Dr. Oz suggests that the first step in breaking the addiction is to detoxify the liver” using a 3-step plan for one week by using multiple amounts of antioxidants.”
- The first step is to replace all the carbs in your diet by eating cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli, cauliflower, radishes and cabbage. These vegetables are very important to cleanse the liver. If you can’t get rid of all the carbs in your diet then eat them only at breakfast sent to brew carbohydrates better in the morning you need to rest today.
- In the second step, you want to add bioflavonoids to your diet, which include onions and leeks, which act like vitamins in the body.
- The third step is to use supplements like chromium picolinate at 1000 mg daily, which helps you withdraw from sugar because it helps insulin work better in the body.
- The other supplement is vitamin B, which will help with cravings. It can help boost serotonin levels in the brain and helps with your mood also. Use the chromium picolinate just until you are off the carbs but you can use the vitamin B throughout your dieting process.
The purpose is to cut sugar, fats and especially the trans-fats from your diet, as they are pro-inflammatory. If you love beef you can continue to eat it but only once out of every four meals, which will keep the inflammation down. The best antioxidants that we have earned fruit, particularly the dark colored fruit which continues to decrease inflammation in your body and it helps to cut belly fat.
Set Small Goals for Success:
One of the best ways to stick to any weight loss diet is to break it up into small goals. For instance, say I’m going to walk 1 mile today, because if you need to lose 40 pounds and that’s what you stay focused on, you are much more likely to fail. If you can just focus on this day and what you are going to eat for this day, then your weight will come off a little at a time. You will be able to see the progress you’re making, which will keep you more motivated to continue to do what’s working for you. If you start out with the goal that’s too large sometimes it’s very discouraging if you have a day you’re a little depressed and it is so easy to fall off the diet.
There are a lot of little tricks people use to help them stay on their diet:
- Stay very conscious of your progress by writing down everything you eat. Then, if you cheat, it’s right there in black and white.
- Another thing you can do is to keep free calorie food readily available. Often it just takes a few bites and a craving will be gone.
- If you go off the diet all is not lost, you simply continue on and don’t worry about it.
- If you have a friend who’s also dieting that you can exercise with, that works really well because you can encourage each other.
- Try to stay stress-free and follow your plan and your chances of success are good.
When you plan your day according to your circadian rhythm you’re much more likely to meet your weight loss goals. Consistency is always the key and following some of the suggestions like writing everything down that you eat will help you immensely. Keep plenty of negative calorie vegetables and fruit on hand so when you’re hungry you can go get something out of refrigerator that will not add to your calorie intake for the day.
Pamela Oglesby owns the copyright to this article. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.