The Benefits of Eating More Vegan or Vegetarian
Today I’m happy to introduce to you a new concept, a fresh way of thinking when it comes to being Vegan or Vegetarian. Once you become aware of this healthy eating option, it will change your life making the choice to be Veganish or Vegetarianish much more appealing. The words Veganish and Vegetarianish were brought to light on the Oprah show while we explored the idea of adopting more healthy eating habits. We took a good look at the eating choices we make and how altering these could improve our health and balance our weight once and for all.
These two words mean just what you might think, eating vegan and vegetarian from time to time yet not completely. Imagine not going full force vegan yet incorporating it into your life with a mind open to the possibility of becoming more and more vegan or vegetarian. While these two words can’t be found in the dictionary who says you have to go all or nothing?

I’m in no way intent on converting you to a Vegan or Vegetarian lifestyle but what I do want is for you to realize how eating more fresh live fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts will make you look and feel better increasing your longevity and quality of life. Who doesn’t want to live longer, feel amazing and look great weighing a healthy trim weight?
I know a thing or two about this lifestyle. Before we go further let me share a bit of history about myself, I’m the second youngest of six kids, we grew up in rural Indiana where we raised a huge garden. My Mom was a homemaker and health nut. When I got hungry it was natural for me to go out to the garden and pick fresh vegetables eating them raw. I loved eating raw nuts, fruits and vegetables never giving a second thought to eating meat, it just never entered my mind. I’d run happily along our fruit trees and pluck an apple a day. In my world fruits and vegetables were plentiful and readily available taking no time to prepare as nature had done all the work.
Oh and the berries, I’ve always loved berries and still to this day I have strawberries, blue berries, black berries, raspberries and grapes all growing here at my home in the suburbs! Before I share more of my story I’d like to share with you some very powerful benefits of eating more vegan or vegetarian.

The Benefits of Vegan and or Vegetarian Diets
- The nutritional benefits are great given the raw fresh living foods that better feed the human body and vital cells.
- The Vegan diet does not include life threatening saturated fats.
- The Vegetarian diet is very low in saturated fats.
- Both diets are rich in living and raw foods rich in carbohydrates providing energy.
- Note: if your body does not get enough carbohydrates it burns muscle tissue.
- Both diets promote healthy bowel movements which are an issue in non vegan or vegetarian diets.
- Both diets are rich in magnesium aiding in the much needed absorption of calcium.
- Both diets are rich in potassium stimulating the kidneys to release toxins by way of balancing the water and acidity of your body.
In all fairness it’s hard for those of you with no gardening background to know the beauty of growing things from the earth. Once you give these living foods more room in your life, you too will grow to realize the passion and love I have for vegan and or vegetarian foods.
The good news is this, it’s easy to learn and can be done anywhere. While you may never become a Vegan or Vegetarian, eating more fresh and live fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts will increase the longevity and quality of life, reducing the incidents of illness.
If I may, back to my childhood, we froze and canned fresh produce providing us with all we needed till the next harvest. My favorite uncle brought fresh raw nuts to us every season as he lived in the southern part of the states where they were bountiful. So it seems I was born a vegetarian and while meat was often offered at our family table I was never made to eat it, and chose not to. I was never expected to eat meat, I was given an option, can you say the same? If not you now have that option, think about it.
Just as you may find it hard to hear some people don’t eat meat, I find it equally hard to hear that some people don’t eat vegetables daily nor find it easy to meet the 8 to 10 servings required. So with an open mind let us explore what life can be like as a vegan or vegetarian.

Being More Vegan or Vegetarian
The benefits of eating vegan or vegetarian go as far as to mimic the fountain of youth. When it comes right down to it we must realize as we live we grow old and yet how we live during this aging process is the big question. What you eat makes a very significant difference. Studies have proven over and over that vegans and vegetarians live longer, enjoy a better quality of health and look more youthful than their meat eating counterparts.
I wonder if Vegans are misunderstood as extreme eaters with an unnatural obsession for animal rights. I think about this as some people seem to find an argument as to why I should not be vegan. While many vegans do feel very strongly about animals, the vegan diet goes way beyond that.
You too may find yourself moving more and more toward the vegan diet as you become aware of the amazing affects it has on your mind, body and spirit. All or nothing becomes a thing of the past as we realize any change is better than no change, so give it a go and enjoy a better quality of life.
A diet rich in vegetables, fruits and nuts has long been proven to both improve quality of life and longevity adding many health fit years of life. It is not so important the number of years added yet the amazing quality given those years. We are aging as we speak, there is no stopping that, what we can do is make those years the best they can be and squeeze the absolute most out of each and every day. We have to grow old but we don’t have to grow sick, tired or weak!
The Benefits of Eating Vegan or Vegetarian
- Both diets are rich in vitamins B thus folate which is key to cell repair.
- Both diets protect the body’s cells from damage being rich in antioxidants.
- Antioxidants are also thought to prevent cancer.
- Both diets are rich in vitamin C promoting healthy gums and recovery from bruises.
- Both diets are rich in vitamin E which are awesome for your heart, eyes, skin, and brain believed to help prevent Alzheimer’s.
- Both diets are rich in good sources and levels of protein such as beans, nuts, and soy products.
- The average non vegan or vegetarian diets consist of to much protein becoming unhealthy.
- Vegan and Vegetarian diets prevent disease.
- Eating less or no dairy products and meat improves your cardiovascular health and alleviates arthritis symptoms
- Stronger bones are an added benefit from both Vegan and Vegetarian diets.
- Vegan diets prevent heart attacks and strokes.
- Eliminating foods that come from animals will rid your diet of cholesterol.
- A diet rich in whole grain foods lowers high blood pressure.
- Vegan diets are great at addressing type 2 diabetes.
- Both diets are powerful prevention in the fight against prostate cancer.
- Switching to a Vegan diet has proven to stop the progression of cancer and often reverse it.
- Countries who eat very little to no meat have a much lower incident of breast cancer.
- Muscular degeneration and cataracts are prevented with vegan diets.
Vegan diets provide many physical benefits such as;
- Weight loss
- Lower fat and or BMI
- Higher energy levels
- Healthy glowing skin
- Reduction or elimination of blemishes
- Vegans live up to six years longer and with a higher quality of life than non vegans.
- Vegan diets eliminate body odor, yes Vegans smell better.
- Vegans have less bad breath
- Hair becomes healthier, stronger, grows faster with an overall improvement in look and feel.
- Healthier nails are enjoyed
- Women experience less intense pain from PMS or an overall disappearance.
- Migraine sufferers find relief from bouts on a Vegan diet.
- Eliminating dairy alleviates allergy symptoms with fewer incidents of runny noses and congestion.
It may be the love of our earth and the magic that grows from it developed in me from birth giving me the passion I do for this life choice. I know how great the human body can be and perform once given the best fuel possible. It is my desire to witness more and more people coming to know the same truth, after all when I’m old and grey I’ll need others to kick up their heels with me.
I love the feeling of being up to my ankles in fresh tilled soil, the joy of tending my garden and the delight in each scrumptious mouthful of joy the harvest brings me. When you love something so much and realize the potential benefits it can offer others you just naturally want to share. I hope you look at the food you eat differently and give eating Veganish or Vegetarianish a chance, you just might be amazed and find yourself facing the first day of the rest of your life!
Eat Vegan and Eat Good,