Club Penguin Review

Club Penguin is a popular virtual site for kids ages 9 and up. Even some 16 and 17 year olds still play it. But ever since Disney bought CP it has been changing a lot. Some like the way it has changed but most don’t. I think their chat security is a little too strict. If you say something that isn’t a swear word but at the same time they just don’t like you using it won’t show up on the screen. The word “baby” won’t show up when I try to say “Baby brother”. It shows up on the user’s screen but it won’t show up on the other users’ screens. However your penguins get to go to the giftshop and buy themselves clothes and wigs. You can also buy furniture for your igloo from the catalog. And you can choose how big or small you want your igloo or how it will look like. You don’t HAVE to own an igloo, you can buy a cottage or a fishbowl.

The bad things about buying furniture or clothes for your penguin is that you need to be a member. You also need to be a member to open your igloo and let penguins that aren’t on your buddy list to come inside it. You can have up to 100 buddies on your buddy list. You can either block them, delete them as a friend, find out where they are, or visit their igloo. There are a lot of options although at time it can get boring. For more information look at this really old Club Penguin video review:

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Daniel Carter’s “Come Unto Him”

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is world renowned for its choral singing. Recently, a new album called This is the Christ released by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir made the news for its meteoric rise in the charts. One of the songs featured in that CD is by composer Daniel Carter. The song is called “Come Unto Him.”

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Daniel Carter is an American composer and songwriter born in Caldwell, Idaho, and known primarily for religious music that is performed by members of the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Carter began composing when he was quite young. This particular piece was written when he was still in college. Here is an excerpt from an article by Daniel Carter in which he tells in his own words how he came to write this piece:

Daniel Carter

“On a very hot summer July Friday night in 1978, I wrote a song called “Come unto Him”. I was living with my long time friend and former high school Spanish teacher, Eric Bjarnson and his family. I was in college, and Eric was a doctoral candidate working out of Indiana University. Eric and I were both employed at a factory, while trying to stay in school.

On this hot night, exhausted from work and school, I read the words from Matthew 11:28-30:

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

A few weeks previously, Eric and his wife, Dianne bought a new piano. It was a beautiful five foot upright with an ebony finish. They sacrificed to buy it. The piano was moved to the room I stayed in, not in the living room. I protested, but Dianne was firm about it remaining in my room, so that I would focus on my studies and composing.
Despite the hour being late, and all of us completely worn out, I needed to write this piece. I played as quietly as I could so I wouldn’t wake the others. After working on the piece well into the night, Eric came in the next morning and asked:”Is it finished?”I blurted out apologies for making noise and he stopped me and asked again: “But is it finished?” I said “Yes.” He asked if I would play it for him. Eric has a beautiful tenor voice. Some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard has been sung by Eric and his sister, Anna, a coloratura soprano. I played as Eric sang. There in a little yellow shack where the paint was peeling off, next to a rural road surrounded by green pastures, cattle, flies, and the bleating of goats came the sound of a tired, overworked tenor singing, “Come unto him, all ye who labor…” and we were both rejuvenated.”

During the decades that have passed since Carter composed “Come Unto Him”, the piece has grown in popularity, and this is why, when the Mormon Tabernacle Choir released its new album, Daniel Carter’s “Come Unto Him” was one of the pieces selected. If you would like to buy the new CD,  you can get it right here:

Recently Daniel Carter has been involved in composing for musical theater. If you would like to learn more about that, you can read about his new project, the Debt Collector, here.

© 2011 Aya Katz


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Separating the Yolk from the White

A couple of years ago, my daughter and I decided to raise chickens. I wrote about that here.
Our first four laying hens

In time, the hens grew, and they started laying very regularly. I thought this would be a good way to provide ourselves with cheap and nutritious food, cut down our dependency on store bought groceries, and even supplement our income in the event of a financial crisis. My daughter loves birds, and the chicken chores are her major contribution to our household economy. The eggs are plentiful, but up until recently, they didn’t cut down our grocery bill by much.

Why? Because even though I love eating eggs, I developed an allergy. Well, it’s not a full blown allergy, but eggs don’t agree with me anymore. I would feast heartily, only to be repaid with a day long stomach ache. I had to stop eating them, because that just wasn’t worth it.

Bow, our chimpanzee, also doesn’t like eggs very much. And we still don’t know how to sell them. So my daughter is the only one who has been eating eggs– and we give the ones we don’t eat to the dogs, along with other scraps. In time, even my daughter got tired of eggs.

A sunny side up egg

And then this morning, I discovered a way around my egg allergy. I had fried my daughter an egg sunny side up, and though she usually loves that, she didn’t feel like eating it. And there it was, just sitting there. I was hungry. “It won’t hurt if I just have a little of the yoke,” I reasoned with myself. So I took a taste, and then another and another until I’d finished the entire yolk. And you know what? I’m fine. Nothing bad happened.

That’s when it occurred to me to look up “egg nutrition” in the wikipedia. It turns out that most people who have a problem with eggs are really reacting to the proteins in the egg white. While some people are also allergic to the yoke, most are not. I don’t have a true allergy, anyway. I have a food sensitivity. Here’s what the wikipedia has to say about that: “In addition to true allergic reactions, some people experience a food intolerance to egg whites.”

So what is it about the egg whites? Here’s my theory: I think it’s because the egg white consists almost entirely of protein that I can’t tolerate it. It’s all a matter of percentages. It’s the percentage of protein in the part of the egg you are eating that matters. You see, about half the protein in the egg is in the yolk and about half is in the white.  (To be exact, 57% of the protein in the egg is in white, and 43% in the yolk.) But nearly all the fat in the egg is in the yolk. And all almost none of the fat is in the white. So it’s not the absolute number of grams of protein that upsets my stomach. It’s the percentage of protein that I’m trying to digest at a time.

Here is some overall nutritional information about the egg that I copied from the wikipedia:

Table 1: Overall Egg Nutrition

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 647 kJ (155 kcal)
Carbohydrates 1.12 g
Fat 10.6 g
Protein 12.6 g
Tryptophan 0.153 g
– Threonine 0.604 g
– Isoleucine 0.686 g
– Leucine 1.075 g
– Lysine 0.904 g
– Methionine 0.392 g
– Cystine 0.292 g
– Phenylalanine 0.668 g
– Tyrosine 0.513 g
– Valine 0.767 g
– Arginine 0.755 g
– Histidine 0.298 g
– Alanine 0.700 g
– Aspartic acid 1.264 g
– Glutamic acid 1.644 g
– Glycine 0.423 g
– Proline 0.501 g
– Serine 0.936 g
Water 75 g
Vitamin A equiv. 140 μg (16%)
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.066 mg (5%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.5 mg (33%)
Pantothenic acid (B5) 1.4 mg (28%)
Folate (Vit. B9) 44 μg (11%)
Calcium 50 mg (5%)
Iron 1.2 mg (10%)
Magnesium 10 mg (3%)
Phosphorus 172 mg (25%)
Potassium 126 mg (3%)
Zinc 1.0 mg (10%)
Choline 225 mg
Cholesterol 424 mg
For edible portion only. Refuse: 12% (Shell). One large egg is 50 grams.
Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database

But here is a comparison of the nutritional value of the yolk and the white taken from this article:

Table 2: Egg Yolks Versus Egg Whites

Nutrient White Yolk % Total in White % Total in Yolk
Protein 3.6 g 2.7g 57% 43%
Fat 0.05g 4.5g 1% 99%
Calcium 2.3 mg 21.9 mg 9.5% 90.5%
Magnesium 3.6 mg 0.85 mg 80.8% 19.2%
Iron 0.03 mg 0.4 mg 6.2% 93.8%
Phosphorus 5 mg 66.3 mg 7% 93%
Potassium 53.8 mg 18.5 mg 74.4% 25.6%
Sodium 54.8 mg 8.2 mg 87% 13%
Zinc 0.01 mg 0.4 mg 0.2% 99.8%
Copper 0.008 mg 0.013 mg 38% 62%
Manganese 0.004 mg 0.009 mg 30.8% 69.2%
Selenium 6.6 mcg 9.5 mcg 41% 59%
Thiamin 0.01 mg 0.03 mg 3.2% 96.8%
Riboflavin 0.145 mg 0.09 mg 61.7% 48.3%
Niacin 0.035 mg 0.004 mg 89.7% 9.3%
Pantothenic acid. 0.63 mg 0.51 mg 11% 89%
B6 0.002 mg 0.059 mg 3.3% 96.7%
Folate 1.3 mcg 24.8 mcg 5% 95%
B12 0.03 mcg 0.331 mcg 8.3% 91.7%
Vitamin A 0 IU 245 IU 0% 100%
Vitamin E 0 mg 0.684 mg 0% 100%
Vitamin D 0 IU 18.3 IU 0% 100%
Vitamin K 0 IU 0.119 IU 0% 100%
DHA and AA 0 94 mg 0% 100%
Carotenoids 0 mcg 21 mcg 0% 100%

What this means is that the egg white consists of 91% protein, 6 percent carbs and 3% fat, while the egg yolk consists of 35% protein, 63% fat and 2% carbs. So it seems to me that I can take a food that is 35% protein, but I cannot tolerate one that consists of 91% protein, even if the number of grams of protein in each is about the same. In a whole egg, it’s a little over fifty percent protein, and even that is too high a percentage for me.

You’re probably thinking that it could be the specific proteins in egg white that I’m reacting to, and that percentages have nothing to do with it. After all, egg white consists of  54% ovalbumin, a protein that blocks digestive enzymes. Yolk proteins are different, and they serve other functions, such as “sequestering calcium, iron and other cations for the developing embryo”.

Still, I hold to my theory: I can take the entire egg’s supply of proteins just fine, as long as they are a small percentage of the nutrients in the food I am eating. I can’t digest a whole egg alone, but the same absolute number of grams of protein, consisting of the same specific proteins, do me no harm when I eat them as part of a tagini.

Don’t know what a tagini is?

Here’s a recipe: take one whole egg, beat it, soak a white piece of bread in it until the egg is absorbed. Fry in a pan till golden brown. It’s a simplified Israeli version of French toast. If I eat that, the protein in the egg doesn’t bother me. If I eat a whole egg, I get sick. I’m thinking it’s because the overall enormous serving of carbs in the white bread diminishes the percentage of proteins in the tagini meal to an acceptable low.

But if you want to eat something that is actually good for you, I recommend egg yolk. It contains most of the vitamins and minerals that an egg has to offer and 99% percent of its fat, which is the most important part!

© 2011 Aya Katz

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Why I don’t like Ludwig Von Mises.

This gallery contains 1 photo.

  Ludwig Von Mises was an Austrian economist of the twentieth century. He died in 1973, one year after I was born. I didn’t know him personally. So I don’t mean my title in the way that Murray Rothbard didn’t … Continue reading

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Cat Tips

There are different breeds of cats. Some cats are smart and some are sweet. Most people who live in the city can’t have many pets but cats are easy to handle in the city usually. If you live in an apartment and you want a fluffy, sweet, adorable pet then I would suggest a cat. Some cats scratch but not all breeds of cats do the same thing. They may not be as intelligent as dogs but they can be clever. They try their best to keep themselves and the atmosphere around them clean which is a good thing about them. Some people train their cats and some just aren’t able to. You can actually train a cat similar to the way you train a dog but you need to be VERY patient.

If you’re allergic to a cat’s fur there are also hairless cats but many people think they look strange or creepy. Cats are also good at catching mice that enter your home. But if you have a pet hamster or bird it’s best to keep the cat away from it because they usually have an instinct to try and catch them. Some cats don’t harm small animals but most that I know do. Cats are smarter than people give them credit to be even though they can be sneaky.

I don’t own a cat but I know all this information from research and spending time with other people’s cats. I may not know much about them but I think these facts will be very helpful.

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Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a talented singer that sings country/pop music. I have three of her CD’s. Some of her songs are: “You Belong With Me”, “Love Story”, “White Horse”, ” Mean”, and “Forever and Always”. Most of her music videos are really creative and cool. She plays guitar usually when she sings and is a great actress even though she’s never done a movie. But she’s been in a bunch of music videos. She actually got to sing in the movie Hannah Montana a little bit. I think she can really sing amazingly and has good CD’s. Here is a Taylor Swift interview video:

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You can also buy one of her albums on Amazon here: Speak Now

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Selena Gomez

As most of you know Selena Gomez is a famous actress and singer. Some of her songs are called: “A Year Without Rain”, “Shake It Up”, “Naturally”, and “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know”. She also plays the part of Alex in Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney Channel. Some people are saying that she’s going out with Justin Bieber. She’s incredible at acting and you can buy her CD’s on Amazon. Who Says


Also here is a youtube video of Selena Gomez: Selena Gomez Interview. Selena Gomez was also in Barney when she was a little girl.
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Amazon Widgets Are Now Available

Up until recently, if you wanted to include an Amazon product in your pub, you had to put in a simple link. PubWages StaffIf you tried to use a widget from your Amazon Associate account, somehow your widget was transformed into a link by our security software here on PubWages. Only the administrator was able to post Amazon widgets.

Widgets are pretty nice things. They are attractive, decorative and help to showcase products. For example, the widget below features the most wished for books available on

There are, however, a couple of drawbacks in the use of widgets:

  • They use iframes, and universal access to iframes on PubWages might expose us to malware.
  • Widgets use a lot of site resources, and they slow us down.
  • To use Widgets, without lifting the overall restriction on access to iframes, PubWages would have to install a plugin that would allow the individual Pubber to receive 100% of the revenue generated from the widget, because we don’t have a way to do revenue sharing on widgets. (Our rev share software works only on regular links.)

In order to make the most of all the positive opportunities provided by Amazon widgets, I have decided on the following:

  1. We will allow one Amazon widget per pub page. This means, if your pub is a page long,  you may use one widget. If it is two pages, you may use two widgets, but only one to a page.  You get to keep 100% of the revenue from the Amazon widgets.
  2. You may have as many regular Amazon links as you want in your pubs up to the overall maximum link number per pub, which is currently set at seven. We will take 20% of the revenue from the regular links. You get to keep 80%.
  3. Widgets should be used to advertise products that directly relate to the topic of your pub. Don’t just use a bestseller list, unless the topic of your pub is bestsellers. Don’t use a most wished for list, unless your topic is the products most wished for. If you are writing about boats, show boats in your widget. If you are writing about a product not available on Amazon, don’t use an unrelated Amazon widget.

Important: Before using the new plugin, please update and re-enter your Amazon Associate ID in your profile setting.

I’m looking forward to seeing more widgets in  your pubs. Used sparingly and in context, I think Amazon widgets can enhance the pubbing experience!


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How To Train A Parrot

Training a parrot takes patience and skills. I have a quaker parrot  that is now 4 years old and will be 5 years old this month. It is best to start training a parrot when it’s a baby. When it grows it can learn even more. First starting teaching it simple words like “Hello”, “Yes”, and “No”. If it repeats them at the right timing give your parrot a treat or something it really likes. Once it learns it completely you won’t need to give it a treat everytime it says the word. Having a parrot is hard work but it’s completely worth it. I have 1 parrot, 2 cockatiels, and 2 parakeets. My parrot talks the most out of all of them. African Grey parrots are also very intelligent. If you have a big parrot be careful so that you don’t upset it.

If you’re ever angry with your parrot be sure not to say any words you don’t want it to learn so that it doesn’t go repeating them to everyone. There are also more parrot books on amazon:

If you are going to be getting a parrot anytime soon make sure to get it a good cage and plenty of food. Getting it some toys for its cage is optional but it helps a lot. Give your parrot at least 30 minutes of attention everyday. For more information about parrots visit:

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Dog Tips

Dogs are loyal friendly pets that you can really interact with by training. Certain people have dogs for certain reasons. Farmers normally have dogs to help with chores. In the city it is harder to have a dog as a pet because of the little spaces and major crowds. But if you live in a rural area then it’s usually easy to give the dog plenty of space and protection. If you don’t like having a pet to take care of at least 3 times a day or more then it’s best not to get a dog. They are also very helpful around the house. I have 2 dogs, a chocolate lab and a mixed small breed.

Some people think dogs are easy to take care of. It depends who you are and what breed of dog you get. One of my favorite dog breeds are Labrador Retrievers and Collies. Make sure to give them enough exercise everyday to keep them strong and healthy. Never let your dog starve but it’s also not good to over-feed them. When you take your dog to the park it’s best to have a leash unless she/he is very well trained. It’s also good for your dog to make new friends to interact with. Also make sure you have a collar for your dog just in case he/she ever runs away or gets lost.

I’m sure most of you already know these facts but this is for the people who want to get a dog but don’t know anything about them. You can find more about dogs at:


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