How to Boost Your Energy with “The Big Workout”

If, like me, you have an exercise routine that you do several times a week, eventually you reach what is known as a ‘plateau.’  I ride my bicycle over one of a few routes to work and back a few days a week during the spring, summer and fall.  You might run or work out at the gym.  At first it’s a big effort and then it gets easier.  You’re in better shape and you feel good, but you feel that you could achieve more, get stronger and feel better

Well, you’re right.  What you need is “The Big Workout.”

For me, the big workout is the fundraising bike ride I do for the Multiple Sclerosis Society every year – a two-day, 150-mile trek.  At the speed I ride, that’s two days in a row, 5 hours a day of riding a bicycle.

The benefits of the big workout are:

  1. A reason to train
  2. The big workout itself
  3. The afterglow

Training for the big workout gives me incentive to improve myself – to go a little faster, to climb a little steeper, to go a little longer.  As a result, I get myself into better shape.  During the big workout my body gets a major cleanse, I get lots of endorphins, and I get in even better shape than I was before.  After the big workout, I feel stronger and faster.  I have more energy and deeper reserves.

If you take my advice there will be a long bike ride, triathlon, run or other big endurance test in your near future.  It is a wonderful thing to go back to your routine and feel the differences in strength, endurance and surprising hidden reserves suddenly at your disposal.

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The Declaration of Independence from Government Protection

It’s the Fourth of July. People all over America are celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The majority of Americans are employees of large companies or of the government itself. Very few are independent. What does the fourth of July mean to them? They get a day off from work.  They have a fourth of July picnic. Maybe in the evening, they watch a fireworks display. If they live out in the country, they might even be setting off their own fireworks. But in many municipalities across the land, the sale of fireworks is illegal. These laws have been enacted for “our own good” to protect us from ourselves. We are so independent now that we cannot be trusted to make our own decisions about our personal well-being.

Americans know that they are commemorating the day when America declared its independence from Britain. But most people don’t think about why that was.

When children are taught about history in the schools, it’s often represented as a break from a monarchical form of government, and the words “republic” and “democracy” are often used interchangeably.

In fact the war of independence was about taxation. It was about the right to be free of from the measures taken by the British government to protect its colonies, and the funding that was needed to pay for that protection. The argument went something like this:

Americans: Stop taking our money away from us.

British: But we need to tax you in order to protect you. It’s for your own good.

Americans: We don’t want your protection.

Did the Colonists need British protection? Were they ungrateful for all the government had done for them? Maybe. Every nation needs protection from marauders. And it certainly was true that the Americans needed protection from the British, as the war of 1812 demonstrated. It’s hard to fight a war with no navy. It’s hard to fund a navy without taxes. It’s hard to maintain your freedom once you decide that for your own protection, you need a standing army. And that’s how we start down that slippery slope that leads to the nanny state.

How far have we slipped? Here’s a video that shows the government at work protecting its citizens from the perils of everyday life:

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Much of the machinery for protecting the average citizen from bad food is designed to put independent farmers out of business, while favoring the factory farm.

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Is this the inevitable result of independence? Have we jumped from the frying pan and into the fire? Was the war of independence meant to be just the start of another kind of dependence? What would it take for Americans to achieve the sort of personal independence that they used to enjoy as British colonists?

Everybody needs protection from interference from others in their personal lives.  That’s why we form governments: to get protection. But who will protect us from the protectors?

© 2011 Aya Katz

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Bard of Ely’s song needs your votes in the YouBloom Quarter Finals

My song Mañana got through to the Quarter Finals of the YouBloom Song Contest for which Bob Geldof heads a team of celebrity music industry judges for the finals. In order to get through to the next round, which is the YouBloom Semi-finals, contestants have to be one of the top 12 of the 24 entries in the current stage of the contest.

There is a big cash prize for the winner of the finals and a lot of excellent and much-needed publicity for the songwriter and the song. For me it would be a dream come true because it would show the world I can write hit quality songs and would get my material heard by experts from the music business. This is how to really showcase my talent if I can win this.

Of course, Bob Geldof is famed as a singer-songwriter himself, who first made his name fronting the Boomtown Rats New Wave/Punk Rock band back in the late ’70s punk era. He went on may years after to be the man who organised the Various Artists charity single by Band Aid entitled Do They Know It’s Christmas? I would love him to hear my song!

But in order for any of that to happen I need to get through this round and so I need your votes. Please join the YouBloom site and then log-in and vote for Mañana. If you have already done so in the earlier Heat 5 then thank you for your support then. You just have to log back in and you can vote again for my song.

It is also a great help if people share the link for voting for Mañana on your websites, on message boards, or anywhere you can think of. ‘Likes’ are much appreciated too but it is the votes that count so please vote for me and Mañana! You can listen and vote here:

Mañana artwork by Orion Hale for the Mañana EP


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BitCoins: Decentralized Electronic Currency

How do you make change? If you have a dollar in your pocket, and you want to pay someone a quarter, do you cut the dollar up into four equal parts and give one of them to the other person? No. Because when you cut a dollar up, it loses its value, and the resultant pieces cannot be traded. But it wasn’t always this way.

Did you know that it was once possible to cut a silver dollar into four equal parts and each one was worth a quarter? This was because the value of the dollar derived from the value of the silver, and not from the prestige of the bank that had minted it. Pirates of the Gulf Coast and frontier settlers alike used to do this, and the currency they used was called “bits and pieces.”

Today, using government created currency has the following disadvantages:

  • It is subject to inflation because it not indexed to any commodity, and the government can decide to print as much as it likes.
  • It is subject to taxation, because the exchange of currency is not anonymous, and it leaves a verifiable trail.
  • It is not truly fluid because it cannot be melted down and cut into indefinitely smaller pieces.

Okay, I’ll admit the third disadvantage has never really bothered me that much, since inflation has rendered even the cent too small to bother with, but wouldn’t it be nice not to have to worry about making change? Wouldn’t it be nice to break a twenty just by cutting it into pieces?

Today, in the virtual world, there is a new version of the old bits and pieces used by pirates and pioneers. It is called BitCoins. Here is a video that explains a little about it:

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The mining metaphor employed by the BitCoin software is meant to solve the problem of predictable scarcity. When silver and gold were the common currency, they derived their value from the fact that these metals were rare, had to be mined, could not be produced any other way (alchemy), and were held to be of value by most people. The mining mechanism in the BitCoin software simulates rarity and the requirement of effort in order to acquire Bitcoins. The area in which this concept seems a little less effective than precious metals is this: BitCoins serve no useful purpose except as currency.

Here is a video explaining BitCoin mining:

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People use dedicated computers in order to mine BitCoins and then they sell them on an open exchange. Not everybody who uses BitCoins is a miner. Most people just buy them on the open market.

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People use BitCoins to purchase things they would not normally buy using regular currency for fear of being traced by the authorities. Here is video about that:

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If you would like to get in on the BitCoin action, here is a link to their site.

For some biographical information about the founders and participants in the BitCoin movement, watch this video from ReasonTV:

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Are BitCoins the wave of the future? I’m not sure. Concerns about BitCoins include their vulnerability to hacking and the fact that government scrutiny of computer records can make serious inroads to the anonymity that they are meant to offer. The price of BitCoins has been volatile of late, and some early adopters are rethinking their strategy. But whether BitCoins succeed or fail,  it seems clear that a decentralized currency would be a good thing to have.

© 2011 Aya Katz

Posted in economics, Electronics and Computers, Marketplace and Trading | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Breaking News: Amazon Terminates Contracts with California Amazon Associates

Yesterday, Governor Brown of California signed into law a bill that purports to apply California sales tax to online sales to California residents. Today saw its shares dip slightly — down by a nickel. However, it is not Amazon that stands to lose the most as a result of this taxation ploy. The real losers are the people who lost their jobs or their Amazon affiliate status as a result of this legislation.

In order to tax interstate commerce, a state has to establish a nexus with the transaction. A nexus could be having employees working in the state, or having distributors or sales representatives who conduct their business while residing in that state. The best way for Amazon to resist having its interstate commerce taxed by the state of California is to sever its ties with any businesses or individuals based in California.

Today, Hubpages, a California-based content farm, announced that they received this letter from Amazon:


Unfortunately, Governor Brown has signed into law the bill that we emailed you about earlier today. As a result of this, contracts with all California residents participating in the Amazon Associates Program are terminated effective today, June 29, 2011. Those California residents will no longer receive advertising fees for sales referred to,, MYHABIT.COM or Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned before today will be processed and paid in full in accordance with the regular payment schedule.

You are receiving this email because our records indicate that you are a resident of California. If you are not currently a resident of California, or if you are relocating to another state in the near future, you can manage the details of your Associates account here. And if you relocate to another state in the near future please contact us for reinstatement into the Amazon Associates Program.

To avoid confusion, we would like to clarify that this development will only impact our ability to offer the Associates Program to California residents and will not affect your ability to purchase from,, MYHABIT.COM or

We have enjoyed working with you and other California-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program and, if this situation is rectified, would very much welcome the opportunity to re-open our Associates Program to California residents. As mentioned before, we are continuing to work on alternative ways to help California residents monetize their websites and we will be sure to contact you when these become available.


Amazon logo

The Amazon Associates Team

Is the new law going to help the State of California to generate more tax revenue? Or is it the other way around: will it rob California residents of an opportunity to make an income from internet sales?

©  2011 Aya Katz


Posted in Current Events, Opinion Pieces and Editorials, Topics | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Best Age to Start Pageants

 If you have a child and have thought about entering him or her in pageants, you might be wondering about the best age to begin competing. From my experience with glitz pageants, natural pageants, and everything in between, I think a lot depends on the individual child and on the type of pageant. For example, natural pageants aren’t nearly as demanding, and neither are face pageants. Neither of these types of pageants requires as much fuss and preparation as glitz pageants do.

Unless your daughter is very young, she’ll be expected to wear makeup, pageant hair, and a glitz pageant dress in high-glitz pageants. She’ll also need to be tanned, and she might need to wear a flipper, too. A flipper is a mouthpiece that gives the appearance of perfect teeth. For many small kids, sitting still for a hair and makeup session is very uncomfortable, and some little girls hate wearing glitz dresses, too.  Pageant hair and makeup are hard enough to do correctly with a small child who’s willing to cooperate, and with an uncooperative child, it’s all but impossible to get a great look. Even if the perfect pageant look is achieved, the child can easily “mess it up” before it’s her turn to walk on stage.

Another reason glitz pageants are more demanding is because of the beauty walk. Children are expected to “perform” on stage. Even small children are expected to wave, blow kisses, smile, etc. if the child isn’t ready to walk in front of strangers, she’s not going to do well.

Some little girls love everything about glitz pageants, so they don’t mind all the fussing over them. In fact, some of them love it! If you’re not sure how your daughter will handle all the preparations necessary for competing in glitz pageants, I strongly suggest trying a few natural pageants first. You might want to move up to low-glitz pageants next, then to medium-glitz pageants. If your daughter is handling these well and enjoying them, try a high-glitz pageant.

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Mind, Body, Sleep

It is no secret that state of mind plays a critical role in how you feel – not just emotionally but physically.  A person can say of a negative experience, “That made me ill,” and they may not be exaggerating.   Stress affects health:  it is a medical fact that it can kill you.  But while it kills you it makes your life miserable, attacking all parts of your body and making life itself an unhappy experience.

One cancer patient said that when she was treated by a doctor who had a negative attitude and a cold bedside manner, her immune system reacted in a measurably negative way, and when treated by a physician who was empathetic and positive, her immune system reacted by rising to the challenge.  All this happened inside her body because of negative or positive emotional stimuli.

“What can I do about it?”  We feel that we are victims of our circumstances:  that he, she or this or that makes us feel bad.  However, we can have great influence over the way we react to life.  In fact it is possible to completely control the way you feel – not that you would necessarily want to.  Nevertheless you may want to condition yourself to default to a positive reaction rather than a negative one so that you will be feeling good most of the time.

In Dr. Herbert Bensen’s milestone book, “The Relaxation Response,” Dr. Bensen outlines the positive physical effects of a daily meditation practice, which, over time, changes the pathways in the brain so that it reacts with relaxation instead of stress to life’s challenges.  Almost immediately, one can feel the effects of meditation as it moves blood flow away from the stress response centers in the back of the brain – where emotional responses like fear and anger are generated – and into the pre-frontal cortex regions that govern executive functioning and creativity.  It’s like taking the decision-making away from the angry mob and giving it to the cool-headed leader:  the response is more relaxed – and effective.

Dealing with life from a default position of relaxation, stress is greatly reduced.  So where does the sleep piece fit in?

Sleep both affects and is affected by stress.  Inadequate sleep directly affects the brain’s ability to make new connections, impairs basic brain function and actually accelerates brain aging symptoms like memory loss.  Stress, on the other hand, can make it difficult to sleep or reduce the quality of sleep.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University, in a study of student performance, found that test subjects who busied themselves with other things rather than focusing on their emotions while experiencing stress slept much better than those who focused on their emotions.  By keeping themselves busy and thereby avoiding stress, they managed to avoid negative impact on their sleep.  Since their minds were focused, the blood flow in their brains was concentrated forward in the executive functioning areas and away from the emotional and stress centers.

Other research shows that REM sleep greatly enhances memory retention, learning and decision-making capabilities whereas sleep deprivation has the opposite effect.  As these higher brain functions are impaired by lack of sleep, it becomes harder to redirect or focus to avoid stressful negative emotions and their accompanying negative impact on our physical well being.

The stress-sleep relationship is a cycle.  Focusing on stressful thoughts prevents sleep.  Lack of sleep gives you a predetermined tendency to focus on stressful thoughts.  To cultivate a healthier, happier life, avoid stress by redirecting your thoughts and get adequate sleep.  Redirect your negative by clearing your mind through meditation or redirect your negative energy from stressful situations into positive action.

Sleep well and live busy and happy.

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Unconditional Love – Letting Go

I wrote an article about a girl that I have known since she was 12 years old and put the experience in an article with the title, Her Mother Broke Her.  It has been some time now that I have updated anyone on this.  It has all changed and I was forced to change the way that I relate to this young woman.  She is now 18.  My purpose in life is to go through things and then help others through similar experiences. So here I am telling you my story.

When hearing about her childhood and what she had missed I tried to bring some of that to her.  I was sending her children’s stories.  You know the ones, they Mother Goose rhymes and other fairy tales and stories. I accepted the toll charges for her calls to me trying to keep the channel of communication going. The Children’s shelter where she began her experience allowed them to make 10 minute phone calls.  I have even researched, printed and sent to her various helps for the condition she finds herself in.  She did have me believe that it was helping.  Her upbringing wasn’t the best, but there comes a time that she must take responsibility for her own thoughts and actions.  She is no longer 12.  I have read and experienced that the age of 12 is an appropriate age of reasoning.  I do believe they know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it.  I don’t think there is that much immaturity with anything these little adults do.  I have raised 2 girls of my own and have been involved with their friends and other little adults to know and observe that what they do is directly their own responsibility.  I am lead to believe that it is the peers and their parents and some religious ideals that teach them that they are not responsible for what they think or do.

Some have said that I should just leave this girl and not ever have anything to do with her.  One told me not to let this come between my husband and I and our marriage.  Some of her family also told me to stay out of their business.  I don’t think they realize that they are the ones who brought me into their business in the first place.  The first time that I met her was the first day her Aunt asked me to take her and her cousins to the bus stop every day.  When I met her I immediately felt some kind of bond with her, even though I had not met her before this.

So as time progressed I began to see the problems and some of the mountains she must face and overcome.  Every time I tried to help her she would find a way to escape.  Oh it got me into trouble many times and Child Protection Services was called on one occasion.

Eventually she ended up in a Home for Children who have repeatedly broken the law.  This is how I became familiar with the Child Penal System.  I wasn’t there when the law enforcement agency picked her up and transported her to the facility.  I can imagine how embarrassing this was.  I really didn’t have any contact with or from her for about 2 years.  She called me a few times and told me where she had been and her side of the story of why she was there. Each time she would tell me that she would be free in 3 months.  Well this went on a few times and then I didn’t hear from her for a while.  One day she just showed up at my door.  She had a Wal-Mart bag with some stuff it.  She had changed her looks by cutting her hair really short, dying it and lost some weight.  I thought she looked good and she sounded like she was a different person.  She had lost my contact information and I told her that I would find it and give it to her again.  We talked and she wanted my husband to go pick her up later in town.  She got into the shower—funny how she likes to take a shower at my house.  While she was in there I called my husband and he agreed to go pick her up at such and such time.  She had to find a way to that location first and that was a bit difficult for her since everyone she knew had a job now and could not just take off to pick her up.  I didn’t have a car so she was going to call some people and she did and she pleaded with one.  Before she got out of the shower I went to put my business card in the bag she brought with her and what I saw shocked me and suffice to say that drastically changed our relationship.  I saw a gun in that bag.  I did not tell anyone and I was kind of afraid to speak up.  This girl has an anger problem and I would rather talk to her on the phone or in a letter, if you get what I mean.  So she found a ride and my husband came home and then went to pick her up.  He waited for about half an hour but she wasn’t to be found.  So he came back home.

The next day I get a call from the Children’s Home and she tells me a big story—story because later I find out the real truth—that was June 20, 2011.  Now she has been in and out of that place since she was 14 or 15 years old.  She told me about the things they have them do and how they live.  She kept telling me that she didn’t know the rules.  Being as she “sugar coats” the truth I decide to look up the site on the internet myself.

This particular facility is run something like a school but they just don’t go home, they go to a cell for a single person.  In this cell they have a thin mattress they sleep on.  The small window is barred and the room is all white.  There are no pictures, curtains or anything that one could call a bedroom.  They have 5 minutes to shower and they are strip searched going to and from their cell on a daily basis. They are permitted to have a few sheets of paper to write on.  They can only use the rubber writing instruments that are provided.  Each day they have to go to classes and therapy and meals.  The only time they are around others is when they are at meals and some scheduled activity and maybe in group therapy.  That sounds to me like a lot of time to be in contact with others.    If they have visitors they are strip searched before they meet with them and after the visitors have left.  Just like a jail there is rolled barbed wire and electric fencing around the facility preventing them from leaving or anyone from coming in.  One rule this facility has is what they call “self-mutilation”.  This girl told me that she shaved her private parts and didn’t know that it was against the rules.  She lied and I told her so in a letter.  I also kept asking her why and where she got that gun.  To this day she has not divulged that information.  She still has not taken responsibility for knowing that this is the reason that got her there in the first place.  She doesn’t think that I do research on things that she tells me.  I did tell her that I went to the website of the facility she was living in, so I KNOW what the rules are.  I don’t give her an inch and will tell her what she is doing in a heartbeat.  Only I don’t think she believes that.  This facility can only keep them until they turn 21.  After that I have no idea what they do with them.

A few times she would call me and tell me that she just came out of security and that she hit someone or started a fight with one of the other girls.  I really do love this girl and can see past the hurts that she has been through and that she is a beautiful spirit underneath it all.  She has a hard road to finding her true self and I love her for that.  This is Unconditional Love.  There are no strings attached and it is what Jesus was talking about.  This is why I cannot just walk away.  She is another human being who incarnated to this life for a purpose to find her true self.  No one should walk away from that.

I thought that I was helping her, but come to find out she is not ready to be helped.  I can no longer help her by being there for her.  This is the tough love part.  I know all those letters will have some effect on her life, but not just yet.  Knowing when to let go is a difficult thing to learn.  In this case I learned it right quick.

She called me Monday morning after many missed calls during the weekend.  It was from a different place then where she was at the last time I talked with her. She was in an actual Jail this time. I accepted the charges and she told me why or how she got put in the Jail.  This place is  not the Home for Youth.  It is a full security jail.  In that facility you get nothing unless you have money to buy it.  I mean anything, like personal belongings, underwear and those sorts of things. She gets no paper or stamps unless she buys them herself. She asked me to call a family member for them to send her some money so that she could get some clothes and paper and stamps to send letters to me.  She went on to tell me that that family member would not take the collect calls.  I asked for the information because I didn’t have it anymore. She told me that she would call me back later.

It was during this time that I really began to step out of the situation and see it from a different view.  What I knew and could see was that she is still at the “poor little me” stage. She still doesn’t or won’t comprehend what her thoughts and actions are and how they relate to others.  I would have thought that she would have progressed a bit further than this.  I believed her when she told me that she was changing.  She wants to change really bad, but she hasn’t at all just yet. She is only using me as a crutch.  I can see that some of her thoughts processes have come from her early childhood, but not all of them.  Her anger level and huge attachment to material things is just overwhelming.  People have become afraid of her and she doesn’t understand that.  I asked my husband if there could be something wrong mentally with that and he agreed that there might be.  She was drinking alcohol at the age of 3 for goodness sake.  Slowly you could see, or I could, that even her family was pulling away from her.  I am doing the same thing.  She has no control over her anger and outbursts are getting worse.  The gun and her secret she keeps about it worries me.  Who knows what she was going to do with that and who she was going to hurt in the process and then blame it all on them.  No sir, so through reflection I began to see the only way that I was going to help young woman.  It wasn’t an easy choice, but a clear one indeed.  I had to let go and let her learn for herself.  I have given her many tools that she could use, but she is not choosing to use them.  Her anger is still getting the best of her.  I had to pull away completely.  I had to use Tough Love.

My husband agreed to tell her that we would not go that far and not call her family.  We all expected the kind of reaction she was going to have.  Instead of thinking, which she has lots of time to do, she burst out with she wasn’t going to ask me to help her anymore.  She doesn’t realize that I am helping her.  I ended the conversation with, you are in Jail.  She knew the consequences of her actions when she jumped the other girl and then hit the security officer. She put herself there and she is the only one who can get herself out.  Yeah, it is hard knowing what she is going to go through, but it is going to be the only way she will think for herself.  There are going to be no crutches or safety nets for her to depend on anymore.  It will just be her.

There comes a time to have and show unconditional love is to just let go.


Posted in Penal Code and Incarceration | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Music of Victoria Trestrail

Victoria Trestrail was born and raised on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. She has a warm, strong voice and a persona that comes across well in both video and audio performances. In short, she has a presence!

Victoria was first published internationally at the age of 14, when her recording of “Feelings” was included in the anthology “Whispers in the Wind.” In 2009 she was signed for representation in the United States. Her CDs and mp3s are available for sale on Amazon.

Johnny's Fool Album Cover by Victoria Trestrail

Many of Victoria’s videos are set in beautiful natural surroundings, featuring green grass, wide open spaces, clear streams and majestic animals. The following song expresses her love of nature.

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The staging of Victoria Trestrail’s videos often dramatizes quite effectively the story that her songs tell.

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Victoria adopts many different personas to act out as well as sing the song.

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When Victoria covers a well known song, her own personality transforms it into something new and fresh.

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If you would like to sample Victoria Trestrail’s music, then consider some of the products below:

Posted in Music, Musical Styles, Musicians | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Black Cherry Chocolate Banana Bars and Popsicles the Brainy Healthy Junk Food

Black Cherry Chocolate Banana Bars and Popsicles the Brainy Healthy Junk Food

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream.  Most every family has a set or two of Popsicle molds and the kids love filling them with juice, cool aid and other fun things.  While super market ice cream is not the healthiest thing to eat it is loved and adored by all this time of year. There is no reason you cannot have tasty, healthy and affordable ice cream treats at home that knock the socks off the supermarket brands.

I have a great recipe for very healthy and delicious ice cream treats you and your family will enjoy making and enjoying in the comfort of your own home.

Black Cherry Chocolate Banana Bars and Popsicles the Healthy Junk Food


  • 1 ½ cups of milk
  • ½ cup of cream
  • 1 2 inch vanilla bean, split open
  • 2 tablespoons black cherry flavor concentrate (the kind found in health food stores)
  • 2 eggs yolks
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed (about medium size)
  • I tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips
  • I double boiler

Black Cherry Chocolate Banana Bars and Popsicles the Brainy Healthy Junk Food

  1. Bring water to boil in the bottom of the double boiler.
  2. Reduce the boiling water to a simmer.
  3. Combine the first five ingredients cooking until just about to boil.
  4. Lightly beat the egg white in a cup, add about ¼ of the hot mixture from the double boiler into the cup and mix well.
  5. Pour the cups contents back into the boiler and cook for another four minutes.
  6. Add the banana stirring thoroughly.
  7. Squeeze the vanilla bean contents into the mixture blending well, toss out the bean.
  8. Allow the mixture to cool stirring from time to time and finally add the honey mixing it well.
  9. Sprinkle a few chocolate chips into Popsicle molds pour the mixture in about half full add more chips and fill completely leave a wee bit of room to finish with a light sprinkle of more chocolate chips and the lids and allow to freeze as normal.

Now this is a healthy ice cream treat you can feel good about feeding your family!

WANT more?

Jell-O and Juice Popsicles

  • 1 6 ounce can of unsweetened pineapple juice
  • ¾ cup of unsweetened concord grape juice
  • ½ cup unsweetened apple juice
  • I package unflavored gelatin

Make the gelatin as directed on the package except replace the suggested amount of water with the fruit juice, heating it and then adding the gelatin. Pour into Popsicle molds and allow freezing.

The possibilities are endless, you can add your favorite flavors and textures to both the recipes above and have tasty fun treats the family will remember and cherish for years to come. Why not make homemade ice cream a fond tradition in your family!

Much Love and Fun, Katie





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