New Studio Ghibli Movie Opens: From Up On Poppy Hill

Fans of Hayao Miyazaki rejoice today (July 16, 2011) as a new studio Ghibli movie is released.


The English title of this movie is “From Up On Poppy Hill.” Based on a famous manga by the same name, the screenplay is written by Hayao Miyazaki and the movie is directed by his son Gorō . It tells the story of a young girl running a boarding house by herself, while her sailor father is missing and her mother is also away.

Here is a trailer for the film:

YouTube Preview Image

While this movie has only just opened, you can read more about it at the Studio Ghibli official site:

If you are a Hayao Miyazaki fan, you will also be interested in purchasing the following movies:

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Why the Peace Sign Makes Me Uneasy

Somebody flashes you the peace sign. What do you do? I usually try to smile it off and walk away, because, after all, not everything is worth fighting about.  But it makes me uneasy, and sometimes I have an almost irresistible urge to flash them back a war sign.

My daughter asked me once why I hate the peace sign. “It just means ‘peace’ ,” she said. “And peace just means not having any war. What’s wrong with that?”

I tried to explain it to her. “That’s not what it really means. People who talk about how peace is their ultimate value really mean that if somebody does something bad to you, you shouldn’t retaliate. Everybody wants peace. But the peace sign stands for peace at any price. It means that you agree in advance to let the bad guys win.”

My daughter didn’t see it that way. “No, that’s just what the stupid people think. It doesn’t mean that. It just means that you don’t want anyone to ever do anything bad, so there won’t ever have to be any war. It doesn’t mean that the good guys shouldn’t fight. It’s for nobody to fight.”

“That’s not possible,” I said, but she was not convinced.

Recently, I discovered this song by Leslie Fish that explains it so much better than I ever could:

YouTube Preview Image

I live with a chimpanzee.  He is very bright and he regularly puts me to the test. I set down rules about how we will live. The rules have consequences attached. Every few days, Bow puts the rules to the test. What is he testing? He wants to know if the consequences still hold. As soon as he ascertains that they do, he settles down and is very good. But if one day he tested me, and the consequences no longer held, then all hell would break loose.

There are mathematical models that explain why war is necessary. Turning the other cheek does not work. The best strategy is called “Tit for Tat”, which is another way of saying “an eye for an eye.” When people know that they can’t get away with behaving badly, then they quite often choose to behave well, instead. But you can never let your guard down, because every so often, just like Bow, they want to check that the rules still hold. This is why there can never be a war that ends all wars. Every new generation has to be prepared to fight again.

But wouldn’t it be great if all wars would cease permanently? No, it would not, as Leslie Fish’s song demonstrates. Eternal peace would mean slavery, if it were possible at all. But it’s not possible, because humans have free will. And so do chimpanzees and dogs and lions and wolves and hyenas. Eternal peace, without complete annihilation of all life, is not an option. And thank goodness for that! Who would want to live in such a world? Not Bow, not me, and probably not even my daughter!

The next time someone flashes you a V, when you know they don’t mean victory, you go right ahead and flash them back a W! They’ll know what you mean!

© 2011 Aya Katz


Posted in Mathematics, Opinion Pieces and Editorials, Politics and Philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , | 19 Comments

Pineapple BBQ Chicken Recipe

This is a great BBQ chicken recipe that’s a nice change from typical barbecued chicken. I usually use boneless, skinless breasts for this recipe, but you could use legs, thighs, wings, or mixed chicken parts, if you prefer. Sometimes I double the sauce recipe so that we’ll have extra for dipping.

Pounding the chicken breasts to a uniform thickness is an important step with this BBQ chicken recipe. It tenderizes the chicken by breaking up the muscle fibers, and it ensures that the chicken cooks evenly. It also cooks quickly, so it doesn’t get too dry from the grilling process.

Pineapple BBQ Chicken recipe


  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • ½ cup ketchup
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon prepared mustard
  • 1 tablespoon hot sauce
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • salt, to taste

Directions: Rinse and dry chicken breasts. Trim away any fat and ligaments. Place breasts between plastic sheets and pound to uniform thickness, about ½ inch. Place chicken breasts in a re-sealable food bag.

Combine 2/3 cup pineapple juice, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, garlic powder, and ginger and add to bag. Refrigerate chicken for two to three hours.

Mix together remaining pineapple juice and cornstarch in a small pan. Cook over medium heat until mixture begins to thicken. Stir in ketchup, brown sugar, white vinegar, mustard, minced garlic, hot sauce, and salt. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for five more minutes, stirring frequently.

Remove chicken from grilling marinade and pat dry. Sear breasts over hot coals, browning both sides. Move chicken to cooler part of the grill and brush with sauce. Continue cooking until chicken is cooked through.

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Tenured Faculty Members Receive Termination Notices at UL

Last week, two tenured faculty members in the Cognitive Science department of the University of Lousiana at Lafayette received termination notices. They have two years to find new jobs, and if they don’t find other employment, then the university has promised to try to employ them in non-tenured positions in other departments in which they are qualified to teach.

Here is a link to a news story about this: The Advertiser Article. The article does not say who the two faculty members are, and it seems that the university is trying to maintain a degree of privacy concerning their identity. However, in case you are curious, here is a link to Cognitive Science at UL.

For me, this is interesting for a number of reasons. During my last year at Rice, as I was finishing up my Ph.D., I was invited to interview at UL. Only it wasn’t called UL at the time, it was called USL and, in French, l’Université des Acadiens. This was a big opportunity for me, because my plan was to go into ape language studies, and USL also ran the New Iberia Primate Center, a 48 acre facility that houses one of the world’s largest non-human primate breeding colonies.

I had already outlined the program of research that I wanted to embark on with chimpanzees and literacy, but I did not have a chimpanzee of my own, and I did not see how I ever would acquire one, at the time, so the opportunity to work in cognitive science at USL would have been a very good step toward achieving my research goals.

I was being interviewed by the English Department, and they were considering a number of my qualifications: I could teach linguistics, French, and Creative Writing as well as cognitive science. Louisiana has a very rich history, and as a writer I would have had access to a lot of historical documents if hired there, which when I am writing today I have to scrounge around for online.

Being hired there would have been wonderful for me on so many levels, but it just didn’t happen. I gave a job talk, I got a tour of the New Iberia Primate Center, and I was taken out to dinner. But no job offer emerged from all that. Sometimes that’s just how it is.

If we are determined, we make our dreams come true no matter what the setbacks, and even though it did mean a delay of several years for me, I did eventually start Project Bow, without any kind of institutional support.

What do you think? Should the tenured faculty have been terminated? According to the article, there are only fourteen students enrolled in the Cognitive Science program, and the university stopped enrolling new students into the program after the fall of 2010.

I used to be a big supporter of tenure, but frankly that was when I thought that I would have the opportunity to become tenured myself. I agree with the commenter who said that if tenured faculty can be terminated and then offered non-tenured positions, then tenure really doesn’t mean anything.

I disagree, on the other hand, with all those commenters who said that people who have tenure deserve it because they worked hard. Everybody works hard. Bricklayers work hard, and they don’t get tenure. Garbage men work hard, and they don’t get tenure. Independent ape language researchers with no salary also work hard, and they don’t get tenure. So, no, working hard is not a significant criterion.

Some others said that those people who educate the public deserve tenure. But that’s nonsense, too. Many of the world’s best educators, including parents who home school, do not have tenure.

Was there ever a good reason for tenure? Yes, I think there was at one time. But the reason was supposed to be to allow independent thinkers the opportunity to do research and to share their findings, no matter how controversial those findings happened to be. People with tenure were supposed to be guaranteed freedom of speech, whereas the average working stiff was not, because it was assumed that they would have something really important to say.

Do today’s academicians share important new findings with the world? Are the ones who are hired doing the cutting edge research? Or are they just maintaining society’s biases by being excellent teachers of yesterday’s received knowledge? How many of those cognitive scientists are actually working on solving a real problem in cognitive science?

I don’t really know. I just know I’m glad I didn’t get that job, because I think they would never have allowed me to do what I have done on my own with Bow. Being hired would have been a financial and social godsend, but it would probably have retarded my progress.

It would be good for scientists to have an ivory tower to retire to where politics doesn’t play a role. But in order to do that, the ivory tower cannot be funded by the public.  If the public is involved, then the public gets a vote.

The academic world is not immune from the ups and downs of the marketplace. Many academicians vote liberal, if for no other reason than because it means more funding for education. But when the state goes bankrupt, due to burdening the economy to the point where it can no longer support the bloated academic institutions, then even academicians feel the pain.

Is it right to stop a research program just because you don’t have enough students enrolled? No, if it’s a good research program, that would be a shame. But in that case, you need independent funding, and you need to stop fooling the public into thinking you will give them valuable diplomas so they can get jobs in return for their tax dollars. The economy doesn’t work that way. It never did!

© 2011 Aya Katz

Posted in Apes and Language, Education: Teaching and Learning, Marketplace and Trading | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Get a Face Lift Without Plastic Surgery

Lets face it, there is nothing we won’t do to look younger, better and hang on to our beauty. I admit it, I’m determined to hang onto my good looks and youthful appearance.  I pride myself on looking at least ten years younger than I am and plan on keeping it that way.

The facts are this, your face is a mass of muscle and tissue and anytime you take a knife to those tissues you alter their natural state forever. How is it you think these tissues and muscles will function once you’ve cut the ties that bind?

As we learn better we do better and going under the knife is not the end all to a fresher complexion. Yet we yearn for that firmer skin and a over all lift creating a much younger look taking years off our appearance.

Do you think plastic surgery is the answer?  We consider it because we want a fix.  We’ve been told surgery is a quick fix making it all the more appealing. The truth is plastic surgery is not the only option and far from the best.  Lets get to the truth about how to get a face lift and keep it maintained easily without surgery.

Get a Face Lift Without Plastic Surgery

Not to mention the expense of surgery; the average face lift cost;

  • Standard face lift: $6,000-$15,000, average $8,000
  • Mid face lift: $4,000-$10,000, average $7,000
  • Lower face lift: $4,000-$10,000, average $7,000
  • Mini (weekender) face lift: $3,500-$6,500, average $5,000
  • Thread lift face lift: $2,000-$6,000, average $4,000

You will want to save this page to your favorites so you can come back anytime and do the age erasing routine for free. I’ve included the videos with step by step instructions so you can return here getting everything you need for your own personal natural face lift.

Get a Face Lift Without Plastic Surgery

Common sense will tell you taking care of your face just as you do any muscle on your body works much easier than you’ve ever dreamed.  Follow along as this youth addict shows you the ropes.

Today we’ll cover the factors that make for a youthful appearance and how to achieve these qualities easily at home and without surgery!

A Youthful Face is;

  1. Glowing and Soft – Needs to be exfoliated and moisturized
  2. Firm and Taunt – Needs a muscle toning routine
  3. Hydrated and Clean – Needs water and a cleaning routine that’s a ritual

Mother Nature offers a face lift for pennies as compared to the surgical procedures.

Working a routine of facial tissue care into your routine is the answer to reverse aging and turn back the hands of time!

Just as any part of your body consists of muscle tissue your face does as well. You must keep your face in shape and fit by working those muscles.

Get a Face Lift Without Plastic Surgery

The good news is a facial exercises are far easier and much quicker than any work out you’ll ever do. I’m a big fan of Yoga and have found facial Yoga to be the easiest and most effective thing I’ve every used and it works. You’ll find it easy to remember and easy to do just about anywhere anytime.

Your mother taught you not to make those faces or your face could freeze that way right? Well, these are some simple face making moves that will have you face firm and glowing in no time.

Check out the videos below connecting you to amazing free face yoga instructions and begin looking, no actually being younger today!

Here’s to being beautiful, Katie 🙂


See How to Get a Facelift Without Surgery Video Now



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Cooking with Cheese

Cooking with cheese is often considered a daunting task by many. The question as to how to use the ingredient cheese successfully in your dishes and recipes has plagued the minds of many a cook in the making.  But no more, today you learn the ease of cooking with the wonderful ingredient cheese. Do NOT be afraid of the cheese!

Cheese is your delicious friend, embrace your new found friendship.

Cooking With Cheese

The key to cooking with cheese is;

  • Low Temperatures
  • Short Cooking Times

Low heat and a short cooking time work best for cheese. High heat and a long cooking time make cheese stringy and tough.

Anytime it’s possible add cheese near the end of cooking time, and always add last on the tops of casseroles, cooking just long enough to melt it.

Cheese in Sauce – When adding cheese to soups or sauces, shred or finely dice the cheese so it will melt and blend quickly.

Hard cheese is the only cheese you should dice as softer cheeses can always be shredded. There are just a few simple rules to follow to achieve a great dish.  The flavor experience is always worth the addition of cheese.  Remembering the simple guidelines you’ve learned here today will have you happily moving about the kitchen with the greatest of confidence and many a delicious dish.

Happy Cooking, Katie



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The Most Comfortable Sandals

Now is the time to prepare for summer footwear, are you ready?  Come on now its time to get out there and enjoy this beautiful weather.

There is absolutely no doubt that the condition and comfort of your feet dictates the mood of your entire day. You can have an otherwise delightful day ruined with sore aching feet from an ill fitting or poorly designed pair of sandals.

Spring and summer bring the warm and beautiful months when we are out and about moving more than ever and it is for this reason good comfortable shoes are a must for every foot owner.

Before you let one more outing be slowed down or ruined by torturous shoes, develop a plan and seek out the one shoe that will take you anywhere and have you keeping up, or leading the way though out the perfect day.

When you put your feet up at the end of the day, the only thing you want to be thinking about is all the great moments you had.

What makes for a good walking sandal? Remember the most comfortable sandals ever and where to get them are where ever you find the perfect fit and match for your taste and needs.

What you want matters and your feet are different from any one’s. Your feet determine what kind of a day you will have.

How your feet feel governs how you feel and your level of comfort and enjoyment. When it comes to a functional pair of fun sandals only you know exactly what you need and the minute your foot slides into the perfect pair you will know.

  • You want a sandal that not only fits well but is made of materials that is both supportive and shock absorbent.
  • You foot should fit snugly, but not to tight in the form fitting zone.
  • Your foot should enjoy breathing and respond well to the material the shoes is fashioned from.
  • The sandal should meet your desired taste and pair well with your wardrobe.
  • A good neutral color or two is a good addition to your summer wardrobe.

Enjoy your summer and enjoy the most comfortable sandals ever. Katie


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The Best Deals and Facts on Active Outdoor Summer Sandals

When it comes to summer active orthopedic footwear, sandals top the list of must haves for the season.  We all enjoy the option of an airy sandal, one as close to being bare foot as possible. There are those times however that comfort, support and durability are of the utmost importance.

While you no doubt will stock your closet with the highest fashion trends and fads in summer sandals, thongs, flip flops and flats, you will need a good reliable and durable active pair ofsandals.

For these such outings where you’ll be walking, climbing or on the next big adventure exploring the beauty of nature as summer unfolds you will love such a dependable shoe.

A good shoe is needed for many an excursion with you and your loved ones. A good outdoor active sandal is the ticket to conquer any such day.

The Best Deals and Facts on Active Outdoor Summer Sandals

When it comes to durable, multi purpose and function I’ve found a sandal that’s a hands down go to sandal. I know many of you will feel the same, for example on the go Mom’s, nature enthusiast or all out explorers.

The Best Deals and Facts on Active Outdoor Summer Sandals

What I love about this shoe;

  • It fits your foot beautifully giving you all the freedom of any great sandal with amazing control to climb, walk, run and all out get up and go.
  • This amazing shoe has two straps that gives you added support staying put and comfortably hugging your foot, as I’m an avid rock climber this shoe is great as it allows me to do so in the comfort of a sandal.
  • I love water and while out hiking I always find a creek or water source that I will always tread though, its all part of the adventure.
  • This outdoor sandal is great for this, it stays put giving me great water traction and drains dry in no time with no stretching or slack.
  • The strap around the toe was a feature I was not sure about. As it turns out I love it, the comfort is barely there freedom and yet this feature provides forefoot stability keeping this shoe in place and working hard for me with complete comfort.
  • This shoe was designed for some serious wear and tear yet it looks good. I prefer this active outdoor sandal to others that are more tennis shoe like.
  • Its the best of both worlds yet really delivers on the sandal appeal and freedom.
  • As far as I’m concerned it’s the next best thing to being bare foot, yet better as it super charges your foot allowing you to do anything you want in comfort with no pain later in the day!
  • It honestly looks good, it’s a feel good durable active summer sandal you can feel good about wearing as it really looks good, I mean it’s not a fashion sandal to where out on dates, but it def will take you through your day to day routine in comfort and easy.

Added Bonus;

  • This is an attractive shoe, once I got mine and began wearing them I quickly learned they look good with jeans, shorts, skirts and over all a shoe I’m comfortable wearing any where.
  • This shoe cleans up easy and looks as good as new to wear out to the Zoo, shopping or play dates with the kids at the park.
  • The color varieties are wonderful, I just had to get a couple colors.
  • They hold up and last, you will own these active sandals for years to come.

Enjoy Your Summer, Katie

The Best Deals and Facts on Active Outdoor Summer Sandals





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Buy the Hot Trendy Girls Vera Bradley School Bags Lunch Totes and Accessories

I was introduced to Vera Bradley totes, bags and accessories by my eleven year old daughter. She was just about to enter middle school and she is one little up to date fashion diva.

My lovely and informative daughter went on to tell me she needed a Vera Bradley tote for her new middle school bag, the days of a back packs were over.

Note: Vera Bradley is an American company proudly making “Made in the USA” products right here in Fort Wayne Indiana 🙂

I was all to happy to give her just what she wanted after all just like finding the perfect purse, you do not pass it up. As she described this Vera Bradley product I felt she had found the perfect bag and this was important to both of us.

I was very surprised when I first saw a Vera Bradley Bag as it is not what I thought a young girl like my daughter would carry.

It’s durable, pretty, easy to care for and practical.  This bag looked like something Grandma may have made quality standards included.  I was very impressed with the care put into making this bag as I examined it. It was built to last!

My daughter picked a pink and orange large tote for herself, as I quickly surveyed the blue ones.  I also have a 14 year old who would be going to high school in the fall. A friend who has a son in high school now mentioned to me all the girls in high school carried the Vera Bradley totes. This all came flooding back to me.


I pulled my cell phone out of my bag, called my friend and asked her if the price on the bags was a good one, she said YES! and began to ask me what designs were available.

She too wanted the pink and orange one like my youngest daughter got and ask me to snatch it up for her and quick.  She explained to me that they were hard to come by and so I listened and did as I was told.  I also picked up a blue one for my oldest daughter.

The Vera Bradley totes proved to be a fantastic purchase. My eleven year old has never been so proud and organized. She’s made the right of passage into middle school and is headed back this fall with her faithful Vera Bradley tote and now matching purse with billfold. She is in love with her Vera Bradley products.

Me too, I’ve washed them and had not one single miss hap, no loose threads or anything. Vera Bradley products are solid and durable. They looked good as new after a simple spin in the washing machine and a basic air dry.

I’m buying my daughters back to school lunch boxes as soon as they choose which one they want. Aw choices!

Both of my daughters pack their lunches and a good lunch box or bag is a must have. I’m really excited to get the new lunch totes as I know how great the quality of Vera Bradley bags are and am very anxious to check out the newest and most trendy lunch bags, totes and boxes.

Enjoy you new Vera Bradley totes, bags and accessories, I know your going to love them.

Much Love and Success, Katie




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The Hottest Fashion Trends in Ladies Shoes

You’re no doubt here because you love shoes and keep up with the hottest fashion trends in ladies shoes. Regardless of what it is about a shoe that makes your pulse race we have it all.  Lets move on to the hottest trends in ladies shoes and get our shoe fix for the day.

Do you know the language?  Can you talk the talk when it comes to ladies shoes and the hottest basics, the names and details about ladies shoes?  For example do you know the difference between a sling back and a kitten heel?  It is a must that you get the 411 on these fashion details and get in the ladies shoe know.  You will want to book mark this page and save it to your favorites as this page has all you need to know about shoes, their names, the types and how to get your fashion diva on!

What is it about a shoe that empowers you?

  • Feeling strong and successful
  • Feeling powerful and driven
  • Feeling you best and prepared to seize the day
  • Feeling and looking beautiful
  • Feeling and looking sexy

Whatever your reason, I’m sure you know shoes make the woman and certainly can take any day or moment and turn it around. Enjoy this wonderful hot and trendy shoe collection.

Shoes are one love most women have in common.

Shoes make us feel good, they give us a real feeling of empowerment to motivate and encourage us to be our best.

The best way to bring on a renewed sense of worth, value and confidence is to slip on a new pair of power shoes.

Go ahead feel the power of a great pair of shoes, we girls know what I mean.

The Types and Variations of Womens Shoes

Pumps – Your basic high-heeled shoe for high powered moments, office jobs and meetings.

Slingbacks – Super sexy pen-backed shoes with a strap that runs back along the heel, rather than around the ankle, coming in either a high or low heel.

Toe cleavage – A pump with the toe compartment cut low enough to see a bit of toes

Mary Janes – Flat, rounded at the toe with a strap across the bridge of the foot. Traditionally in black patent leather.

Kitten heel – Much like the stiletto tapered at the heel, but the heel is only 1″-2″ high, the effect leans more toward cute than sexy.

Stacked heel – A more substantial and stable heel, made from thin slices of wood layered or stacked together as if building a tall sandwhich. These babies can be squared or tapered, these shoes are for getting down to businesss.

Platforms – A built-up and stacked high sole. Platforms can either be shoes with a small sole at the ball of the foot which becomes more narrow becoming a high heel toward the end or floor, or one large thick platform from toe to heel.

Wedge – This sole starts out low at the toe and rises toward the heel, elevating on a wedge shape rather than on a distinct heel.

Mules – Mules are slides with a heel and a tad bit dressier than standard slides. These are becoming more and more a fashion statement as they continue to get their bling on.

Thongs – Before they were an under garment they were technically shoes with a thong connecting the sole to the upper shoe anchoring between the big toe and the second toe. These are commonly referred to as flip flops.

Much Love and Success, Katie




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