Somebody flashes you the peace sign. What do you do? I usually try to smile it off and walk away, because, after all, not everything is worth fighting about. But it makes me uneasy, and sometimes I have an almost irresistible urge to flash them back a war sign.
My daughter asked me once why I hate the peace sign. “It just means ‘peace’ ,” she said. “And peace just means not having any war. What’s wrong with that?”
I tried to explain it to her. “That’s not what it really means. People who talk about how peace is their ultimate value really mean that if somebody does something bad to you, you shouldn’t retaliate. Everybody wants peace. But the peace sign stands for peace at any price. It means that you agree in advance to let the bad guys win.”
My daughter didn’t see it that way. “No, that’s just what the stupid people think. It doesn’t mean that. It just means that you don’t want anyone to ever do anything bad, so there won’t ever have to be any war. It doesn’t mean that the good guys shouldn’t fight. It’s for nobody to fight.”
“That’s not possible,” I said, but she was not convinced.
Recently, I discovered this song by Leslie Fish that explains it so much better than I ever could:
I live with a chimpanzee. He is very bright and he regularly puts me to the test. I set down rules about how we will live. The rules have consequences attached. Every few days, Bow puts the rules to the test. What is he testing? He wants to know if the consequences still hold. As soon as he ascertains that they do, he settles down and is very good. But if one day he tested me, and the consequences no longer held, then all hell would break loose.
There are mathematical models that explain why war is necessary. Turning the other cheek does not work. The best strategy is called “Tit for Tat”, which is another way of saying “an eye for an eye.” When people know that they can’t get away with behaving badly, then they quite often choose to behave well, instead. But you can never let your guard down, because every so often, just like Bow, they want to check that the rules still hold. This is why there can never be a war that ends all wars. Every new generation has to be prepared to fight again.
But wouldn’t it be great if all wars would cease permanently? No, it would not, as Leslie Fish’s song demonstrates. Eternal peace would mean slavery, if it were possible at all. But it’s not possible, because humans have free will. And so do chimpanzees and dogs and lions and wolves and hyenas. Eternal peace, without complete annihilation of all life, is not an option. And thank goodness for that! Who would want to live in such a world? Not Bow, not me, and probably not even my daughter!
The next time someone flashes you a V, when you know they don’t mean victory, you go right ahead and flash them back a W! They’ll know what you mean!
© 2011 Aya Katz