Mac VS Windows

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A lot of people have Mac computers and laptops at their work place because they tend to work pretty fast with them. However Mac won’t allow you to install certain things such as Hypercam 2 and other things. Windows gives … Continue reading

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Bruno Mars

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Bruno Mars is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. His real name is Peter Gene Hernandez but his stage name is Bruno Mars. He became famous making music at a young age. After performing in various musical venues in … Continue reading

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How To Make a Milkshake

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Making milkshake is very simple and you can make it just like any restaurant or fast food place regularly would. Ingredients that you will need: • One large glass • Milk (Duh lol) • Any flavor of ice cream you … Continue reading

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How To Curl Your Hair

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Some people with straight normal boring hair like to spice things up a bit with their hair and curl it with a curling iron. So here is what you do to curl your hair: • Brush your hair and tangles … Continue reading

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A Film About John Wheatcroft

John Wheatcroft is a celebrated author, poet and playwright. Recently a new short film about him came out. It is beautifully photographed in high definition, and I would venture to say that it is in itself a work of art.

The film is directed by Sara Alize Cross and Alison Shurman.  It was commissioned by Wessex Collective. Because the video is in HD, it might take a while for it to load and be ready to play without stopping, especially if your internet service is a little slow. However, it is well worth the wait to be able to see it through without interruption.

Wheatcroft shares his artistic process and the way that writing comes to him and certain works demand to be written. In the meanwhile we are shown glimpses into his day to day life, his home and garden and domestic arrangements. He reminisces about different periods in his life, and his attitude toward life and art is both surprisingly humble and reverent.

John Wheatcroft’s novel The Portrait of a Lover is to be published by Inverted-A Press in December. Meanwhile, if you would like to read some his other works, you can find them on Amazon.

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The Friennemy strikes again.

Friends. Can’t live with em’, can’t live without them. Some fun, some boring, some weak, some cajoling. Friends are the variety of foods in a vending machine; some good for you, some purely terrible. And in my case, I sure picked a bad apple. So, if you’re thinking you might have a bad infection, then take a read for a few pointers people.

According to the online Wikipedia site, the definition of friend is this ‘A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection’. But if you ask me, dear old Wiki got it hella’ wrong this time. It should be a bond of mutual affliction. That is what the role of friend is. To endure the troubles of the other with them, support them, be there for them. The frenemy of mine does none of the latter, instead, acts as a sponge, draining the love from our relationship.. along with my wallet. Watch out for the frenemy, because on the outside, they seem ideal. Cool, fun… until you realise they will never have your best interests at heart. Instead, their self centred lives will leave you reeling; and eventually, seething.

I’m sick of being blown off, or discarded for something else. Clue number one for a frenemy, if they’re putting other plans before you constantly. And not major willsmithsavetheworld plans, but something minor, like a trip to P.C world. If leopard print laptop covers come before you, get the hell outta’ there. You deserve better, and should find a real friend.

Tip number two for a frenemy alert. THEY COMPETE WITH YOU.
You’ll find yourself constantly battling against the ever raising bars of your friendship. It could be anything.. it could turn into everything. Best clothes, cutest boys, (stealing boys) sports, jobs, money… car washing?! The frenemy stops at nothing to come first. Well listen up. YOU come first, not a superficial victory. I remember buying a spanking new TopShop dress for a gig that I won tickets for. Her being my bestie, she got the other ticket over the guy I liked. Instead of thanks, she complained I took the dress she wanted, so instead, she took the guy. I repeat… a frenemy is just an enemy wrapped in fake warm fuzzies. (legally blonde fans will catch the drift)

So, in conclusion, a frenemy just can’t be trusted. EVER. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how cool they make you look, or how socially high they are, or.. anything! Friends are true hearted people that you can trust. and trust is everything. One thing’s for sure, next time i take a trip to the vending machine of friends… I’m gonna’ be reading all the labels.

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Daria Review

Daria is a cartoon show about a girl who goes to high school and loves to be sarcastic but doesn’t show a lot of emotions. This show is very addicting and I recommend to buy it and watch it. Later in the school year Daria has a friend named Jane and everyone calls her a brain because she’s smart but doesn’t like to do a lot of sporty activities. I don’t want to spoil too much, so you can either buy the show Daria at your local store or on

Here is a  video review of the voices on Daria:

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If you enjoy Daria, you might also like these products:

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Side Swept Bangs

If you have long bangs and you want short side swept bangs maybe just below your eye first what you need to do is section out your bangs in the direction you want them to be cut in. Make sure your hair isn’t wet when you’re doing this because you need to know the actual length of your bangs. Next take good sharp scissors that don’t mess you up while cutting. Afterwards cut across slowly under your eye making sure you aren’t messing up on each section. When you’re finished adjust your bangs a little and there you have it. Most people think this is very difficult but it’s quite simple and can be done even by beginners as long as you know how you want them cut.

I also suggest to have the rest of your hair either back in a bun or a ponytail while doing this so that you won’t get them mixed up for your bangs. If not, it could turn out pretty weird. You can also get side swept bangs without having to cut your hair however you will need to spend a lot of time putting them in place every morning. If you just want to try it out and still have long bangs then watch this video, Note: I don’t own this video:

You can buy hairspray at your local store or :

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Straightening Hair

Many people with curly, frizzy, and unmanageable hair are always complaining about wanting straight, smooth, and silky hair. Here are some steps on how to straighten your hair.

Items needed:

• Flat Iron Straightener

• Brush

• Hair Spray (Optional)

Once you have all those items laid out in front of you, it’s time to begin. If this is your first time doing this and you’re under the age of 13 then I suggest to have an adult by your side.

First brush your hair out to get all of the messy tangles out. If you have bangs then I suggest to either clip them to the side or comb them.

Now plug in your flat iron straightener and switch it on. Now if you have an option to pick what degrees you want it then depending on how thick or curly your hair is choose either the lowest or highest degrees that your flat iron has. If your hair straightens easily then don’t go very high. If  it’s difficult to keep your hair straight then go to your highest.

Some flat irons only give you a low and high option, and others let you choose the degrees. Once you’ve chosen it, give it about 30 seconds to heat up. Now that it’s ready and heated up put all of your hair in the back and take a thin section and gently slide your flat iron’s plates over it. Do the same thing with the rest of your hair sections until all of your hair is straight and smooth the way you like it. If your bangs are curly then you can straighten them too but on a very low degrees, in a way that you won’t burn them.

Here is a video tutorial that may help you if this pub didn’t. Note: This is not me in the video and I do not own this video :

If you don’t have a flat iron you can either buy one at your local store or on :

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An Interview with Leslie Fish

Leslie Fish is a filker, a composer and lyricist,  a vocalist, a writer of fiction and non-fiction, and a political activist for the cause of anarchy. You can read all about her in the Wikipedia. You can also visit her own website and her political blog.

Yesterday, I spoke with Leslie Fish via Skype. Normally my interviews are only about fifteen minutes long, due to the technical limitations of both Skype calls and YouTube videos. However, in Leslie’s case, I couldn’t whittle the material down to only fifteen minutes, so I have posted the interview in two parts. The first part discusses Leslie’s recent engagement, her experiences with the Wobblies, her filk music and career, her writing, and some of her views on anarchy.

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In Part Two, Leslie talks about how to implement anarchy, through propaganda, cultural and economic change, and massive passive resistance. She discusses the original tea party and how it differs from opportunistic politicians who seek to harness its energy for their own agendas. Leslie declares her support for Ron Paul, and she explores in detail why she thinks he is the best candidate. Finally, Leslie tells us about upcoming events, her new album, Avalon is Risen, and the musical selection for her upcoming nuptials.

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If you are interested in hearing more of Leslie Fish’s music or reading her books, please consider the following products.

Posted in Composers, economics, Politics and Philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments