Why I Still Play Dungeons and Dragons

There are thousands of good role-playing games.  There are some with cutting edge pop art and incredible game play.  Others have huge followings and, for a writer who writes about games, provide an opportunity to actually find an audience.  Write about Angry Birds or Dead Island and an author can feel like an overnight sensation.

So why do I write about Dungeons and Dragons then, if it won’t find a massive set of readers? Primarily, because its what I played when I was a kid. I must admit its been years since I’ve played the table top version of D&D. Regretfully, I haven’t joined any pen and paper groups in the area. I still play DDO (the online version of the game) and it is a great game. But the tabletop version was more what the creator of the game, Gary Gygax, had in mind. Both are great ways to enjoy this adventure game. I have made new friends in the online version, and there is something magical about being able to discuss a campaign you played in 1980 and having them understand what you are talking about.

Besides my love of a good community in a role-playing game, I also enjoy excitement. Adventure – the word itself means to have fun in my book. Exploring ancient crypts, battling giant champions, and matching wits with illusionists have all been regular companions to my imagination. The genre has appealed to me since The Lord of the Rings and D&D, but today I am excited to see so many new fantasy genre fans discovering what many of us knew years ago. That these games have a sort of substance to them that make them more than just games, it makes them real adventures.

I will probably expand my writing to cover other games at some point. But for now, I think I’ll just keep on writing about the game I grew up with and that so many others loved, too. Its been 37 years since the first D&D meeting took place. What it lacks in today’s pop culture popularity it more than makes up for in resiliency.

Dungeons and Dragons Online

Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook

Rules Compendium: An Essential Dungeons & Dragons Compendium (4th Edition D&D)

Posted in Board Games, video games | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Flight 93: A Song by Leslie Fish

Today is the the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001. It was a shocking event that catapulted the nation into a series of decisions that did not make America more American. If not for the events of September 11, we would not have the Patriot Act or the Department of Homeland Security. If not for September 11, we would not have our airports overrun with security forces dressed like proctologists, their blue rubber gloves ready to probe for weapons in the darkest recesses of the human body.

Are we safer now? Are the measures that we put into effect to protect ourselves from those who were willing to die in order to kill us doing the job?

On the day of the terrorist attack, all the fallen were hailed as heroes. But helpless victims, however blameless, are not heroes. Dying because there is no other choice is not a cause for celebration, and though we may mourn, we cannot revere. Reverence, admiration and hero worship are reserved to those who strive against the odds. There was one group of victims, at least, who decided to fight back: the passengers of Flight 93. Leslie Fish wrote a song about them. Listen to the song, and honor the heroes.

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What could have prevented the tragedies of September 11? Higher security at the airport? More wiretapping? I don’t think so. An armed citizenry is the only defense that works. Instead of disarming everyone before they board the flight, we should allow anyone who wants it to carry a weapon. The real heroes are not the proctologists at the airport  or the sheep-like populations that submits to them. The real heroes are not the ones who try to keep tabs on subversive activities or the security experts who eavesdrop on our phone calls. The real heroes are those who dare to fight back, despite the odds. Think how much better they could do, if they were not deprived of the means!

Copyright 2011 Aya Katz

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