Lady Mantle Tea for Menopause

 Sipping tea is a good habit to develop, and if its caffeine free, the better it is for you. I suspect many women are not aware of Lady Mantle tea’s feminine benefits. 

  Lady Mantle is an  astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory tea  which  has been used since ancient times, so it’s a time tested natural remedy that we modern ladies can use. It’s considered a beauty tonic for women in the Arab world, and is helpful for both men and women, due to its astringent properties for many ailments such as throat infections, cuts and scrapes, digestive problems and diarrhea.

The rich concentrations of tannins is valuable for heavy and excessive bleeding.  The salicylic acid has sedative properties which help bring relief to cramps.  During the menopause years, the gentle, balancing power of lady’s mantle can be quite helpful.

I drank it for a while when I was in perimenopause and it helped in relaxing my body. I stopped drinking it when I felt better, but realize now that I should keep it handy in my kitchen, as its a good tonic and feminine cure all. It can be ordered online for less than  $10.00 if you shop around.

To your health!

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Moroccan Hair Oil Treatment for Dry Hair Care

Moroccan Hair Oil Treatment for Dry Hair Care

Moroccan Hair Oil

I have thick long curly dry red hair which can be very frizzy without a good oil applied. I know what a combination. My long red curly dry hair can me one huge fuzzy mop on my head without the much needed oil treatments I practice on a regular basis.

Many of you can relate and the word oil is no doubt why your here as you understand the challenges of dealing with dry hair. I have experimented with every treatment I could get my hands on and through trial and error came up with a few top notch favorites. My favorites deliver great results with the most ease and beautiful end results. Oils are the most beloved of all products for dry hair.

For those of you with similar or the same type of hair you understand. I have used every type of oil known to man and yet Moraccan oil is by far my favorite as it has a different and unique quality the others don’t. Moraccan oil penetrates instantly being quickly absorbed into my hair. Moraccan creates a great and light shine that looks like I was born with it. It doesn’t leave a residue on my hair leaving it looking oily and dark.

The Cure for Dry Frizzy and Curly Hair

This picture above t is me without Moraccan Oil, I know I know! The picture of me at the top of this page with my glasses on is me with oil… whew what a difference! This is one product that receives rave reviews by all users.

I’ve heard amazing stories from others who I’ve turned onto this treasure breathing life back into the driest of hair.

I’ve included several videos for you to watch and learn from today. These videos deliver first hand experiences and tutorials on how to use Moraccan Oil.

For those of you who need help with bad hair days, do give Moraccan Oil a go, you’ll be very glad you did! Your gonna love the way it works!  Now see how my hair can look with Moroccan oil, a big difference right?  Regardless if I wear it curly or straightened, Moraccan oil is my secret weapon against frizz, breakage, and dull lifeless hair.


I personally cannot live without the shampoo, the conditioner, the oil and mouse, they all are magical!  Gotta have em!

Note; these products really work great and last giving you your moneys worth.  I’ve never used a product as directed.  I always have to use ten times the amount suggested to tame my dry curly hair or even come close to the results I want.  BUT, Moraccan Oil really delivers and last.   The first time I used it I got the biggest bottle available and it lasted me for months!  Now that’s is amazing!

Much Love and Beauty, Katie

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How to Beat Hard Times Get on with Life

How to Beat Hard Times Get on with Life

Real life issues are becoming very serious and money problems are just not going anywhere. Yes people are suffering with many serious issues regarding money, work, family and personal health.  The truth is we must evolve and adapt to our new reality.  The good news is were all in this together.

We’ve all had to change the way we live and manage our budgets. Many of us have had to learn the magic of budgets and are doing so for the first time ever.  Most often we tend to imagine money is the answer.  In the current economy it is not the solution.

Although you seem to have nothing but bills and request from loved ones needing this and that pouring in, tossing money at them only makes things worse. Imagine not feeling the stress of this day in and out, I mean really imagine it!

How to Beat Hard Times Get on with Life

Holidays are just around the corner and this is a great place to start.  What if there was a way you could get on with life, pay bills freely now and after holidays without facing yet another debt trap?  Imagine yourself moving joyful into the new year with nothing at all on your mind but the fun and time with family and friends? Ask yourself how you will stop the worry in your head, sleep peaceful again?

Start thinking of all the many ways (and there are many) you can stop spending so much and reduce your expenses drastically?  Having money in the bank is the goal.

How to Beat Hard Times Get on with Life

Get Real and Get On With It

  • Be honest with yourself and stop keeping up with the Jones’s
  • Face what’s haunting you and lock up the credit cards.
  • Learn to shop alone, without the kids you spend less.
  • Kids tend to ask out of habit, take the time to build positive habits.
  • Do not spend what you don’t have.
  • Get your budget set and stick to it.
  • Stop impulse buying by making a list and thinking about it for a week.
  • Listen to uplifting and motivational music, books and tapes!
  • Watch more comedy, avoid the news and negative or demanding people.
  • Think about what you want and get hungry for it!
  • Say no to things that eat up time and your money.
  • Free your schedule for me time and expect kids to contribute to the home.
  • Teach your kids to earn money, if they really want something work for it!
  • You have got to be your top priority it is then the family will be better!
  • Create a nice note for Christmas stating you’ve made a donation to your child’s college fund in their name!
  • Cut back, way back on holiday shopping, give meaningful gifts like the one mentioned above.
  • Set down as a family and brainstorm as to how you can save money for family vacations, education and such.
  • Examples are; unplugging anything with a plug while not in use, this cuts your utility bill, pack lunches, reduce, reuse, recycle, its good for the planet and everyone should invest in caring for your kids future on this planet.
  • Keep track of your family trash out put and be mindful how spending less reduces your carbon foot print.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments at the the dinner table by bragging on how well the family is doing.

How to Beat Hard Times Get on with Life


Saying no to things having no true and useful purpose opens you to achieve something more rewarding. Most importantly,  we get in the habit of saying yes to things we really don’t want.  Take back your power, be slow to consider each and every request put before you and answer with a thoughtful and meaningful response instead of a quick yes.  Finally, a no never need offer an explanation as to why, just say no!

Much Love and Success, Katie


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The Beatles Playlist now on iTunes

The Beatles Playlist now on iTunes

Finally we are able to download the Beatles songs onto our iPods as iTunes now has access to digital Beatles hits and favorites.

It was November 16th that EMI Music gathered together at the company’s headquarters in London to reveal the digital Beatles catalog for sale.

Yes it is true after years of longing to enjoy the Beatles from our iPods we now can do just that. For just 12.99 per album you can download the Beatles 13 albums, as well as the Blue and Red compilations and the past masters two-disc sets of singles plus rare tunes are now all available on Apple’s site.

This has been a long and difficult battle while at times the Beatles and the computer giant have been at legal war many times. Apple took to the courts struggling for the trademark rights.

The Beatles Playlist now on iTunes

  1. A Hard Day’s Night
  2. A Taste of Honey
  3. A World Without Love
  4. Act Naturally
  5. Across The Universe
  6. Ain’t She Sweet
  7. All Together Now
  8. Chains
  9. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
  10. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
  11. Revolver
  12. Rain
  13. Paperback Writer
  14. Hello Goodbye
  15. Penny Lane
  16. Strawberry Fields Forever
  17. Two of Us
  18. Let It Be
  19. The Long And Winding Road
  20. Hey Jude
  21. A Day In The Life
  22. I Want To Hold Your Hand
  23. Nowhere Man
  24. All My Loving
  25. I’ve Got A Feeling
  26. A Day In The Life

We wait no more. We can now buy all the Beatles music from iTunes and carry it around close to our hearts day in and out. This Beatles fan feels the world will now be a better place as we all get our Beatles fix on and remember all we need is love. Now we get our Beatles love on!

Much Love and Success, Katie



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What is a Friendship or Wish Bracelet

What is a Friendship or Wish Bracelet

The wish bracelet and friendship bracelet are closely related if not one in the same.  It’s a fun a fashionable way to believe in wishes and life long friendships keeping a reminder of positive thoughts on a daily basis.

Customarily, one gives them to another as a token of friendship and warm wishes for a positive future.

Receiving one is a gesture of great affection or endearment.  The friend or loved one giving you the wish or friendship bracelet will tie it on your wrist while asking you to make a wish.

The legend of the bracelet goes like this; the bracelet is tied around your wrist while making a wish.  You go about life never taking it off, when the bracelet falls off on it’s own your wish comes true. The wish bracelet is also a trendy movement that even the most popular stars like Johnny Depp. wears. If it’s good enough for Johnny, well then!

Wish Bracelets

  1. You wear your bracelet all the time
  2. You don’t take it off yourself
  3. The cool and challenging part is to see how long the bracelet will last.
  4. The longer it’s on the more certain and powerful the wish.

Friendship Bracelets

  1. You tie them on and wear them till they fall off.
  2. The longer the bracelet remains on your wrist the stronger the friendship.
  3. Once you loose the bracelet your wish comes true.
  4. Also once the bracelet falls off you evaluate the friendship.
  5. If your still friends you create a new bracelet and repeat the tradition.
  6. This symbolizes the bonds of friendship and the commitment made to keep them.

I’ve worn them for years at a time and then one day poof, it’s gone. I’m currently wearing two, one each tied on by my daughters. I know you will deeply enjoy both receiving and giving wish bracelets. Go ahead start spreading a little loving light today and have a great and happy future.

Much Love and Success, Katie


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Therapeutic Essential Oils for Beginners

Therapeutic Essential Oils for Beginners

Therapeutic essential oils offer a wide range of benefits with more and more people realizing this amazing truth. With the health care concerns we have come to embrace more natural prevention and treatments. Nature provides us with everything we need to enjoy the best health possible.

We are all aware of the positive affects pleasant aromas create as we spray our homes with deodorizers to make them feel or smell clean and pleasing. Although these sprays are most often not natural and may contain harmful ingredients we do enjoy the aroma of pleasing scents. Essential oils can provide your home with a natural and healthy alternative.

Therapeutic Essential Oils for Beginners

Essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin without first being blended with another oil or water.  Essential oils are a natural ingredient which is strong by itself.


  • The oil needs to be diluted for a safe delivery to the skin.
  • Essential oils are blended with a carrier oil or in many cases water or rose water.

The healing benefits of essential oils is believed to work most significantly by way of inhaling the oils scent into the olfactory system. When we inhale the aromatic chemicals of these natural oils which effect our central nervous system in a positive and healing way.

There are many methods of delivery allowing you to inhale the aromatics experiencing the benefits. Follow along as we explore the options that appeal to you!

Therapeutic Essential Oils for Beginners

One of the most popular uses of essential oils is through aromatherapy massage.

A blend of a single oil or combination of more is chosen and massaged gently over ones troubled areas for a relaxing and healing experience.

Note: Combine one ounce of carrier oil to 15 drops of essential oil, less is more.

There is no need to be a trained therapist, just remember to use warm hands and a gentle touch. Use long sweeping motions over the muscle to create and relaxing tension melting massage.

This is a wonderful loving gesture that can be shared between partners. The stress will melt away. I nice soothing music is also a nice addition. I have included some videos for you to enjoy while you massage.

Therapeutic Essential Oils for Beginners

Great for Skin:

Facial Mask– Add 4 to 5 drops of oil to; egg whites, clay, mashed avocado or honey, apply to face and let stand for ten minutes before rinsing with luke warm water and patting dry.

Facial Steam – For a deep cleansing routine add 5 to 6 drops of essential oil into a facial steamer.

Facial Oil or Moisturizer – Add 15 to 20 drops to a cup of unscented lotion or cream.

All Over Skin Care – Add a few drops, 2 to 3 drops of oil to a natural dry bristle brush. Lightly brush you skin from the tips of your toes moving up your body. Sweep upward on the hands and arms moving toward the heart stopping just below the neck.

Sinus Health – Add 6 to 7 drops of oil into a steaming hot bowl of water tent your head over the bowl with a heavy towel to catch all the steam. Relax; close your eyes and inhale until you no longer smell the oil or the steam stops. It is safe to repeat this as needed up to every hour to six hours.

Bathing – Add 5 to 10 drops of oil to a full tub, mix around and enjoy your nice hot relaxing bath.

Pain Relief – Add 7 to 8 drops of oil to a bowl of warm water dip a clean thick wash clothe into the bowl skimming around the top of the water to absorb the oil, wring the excess water from the clothe and apply to sore muscles of the stomach for menstrual cramps. Cover the area with a heavy towel to keep the area warm, relax and enjoy the pain relief.

Body Spray – Add 8 to 10 drops of oil to a spray bottle with four ounces of water for the face and 25 5o 30 drops of oil for an all over body spray.

Room Deodorizer – Add 90 to 100 drops of oil and 4 ounces of water in a spray bottle for a great air freshener.

Remember to give each of these a good shaking before using. Do feel free to explore your healthful options when it comes to therapeutic essential oils, they will make life much better!

Much Love and Success, Katie



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What are Jeggings a Review

Move over skinny jeans or those tight binding jeans and make way for the number one fashion must-have for fall, back to school or just flat out looking good anytime.  No matter what your shape or size this garment works for us all!  So toss any thoughts of those skinny jeans aside and come on over to the fashion shift called jeggings!  Jeggings are comfortable! You do get a lot of bang for your buck.  What are jeggings you ask? Jeggings are a hybrid of jeans and leggings.  I know how cool is that? All the comfort of a legging yet with the look of jeans.  The designers have taken great pride in their design.  People can’t tell the difference, just look at them!

Finally comfort and style!  It’s Jeggings and there is no doubt about how much you will love this comfortable fashion statement.  Girls and women of all ages will be begging for a pair or two of the hottest fashion trend of the season and this fashion garment is timeless working it from fall clear back around to spring.

What are Jeggings

Did I tell you jeggings were comfortable?  How often do you feel tempted to wear your comfy sweats out in public? We all want to and in fact do it more than we should. Sweats just look sloppy and yet the comfort factor has a very strong pull.

Jeggings are in fact very comfortable and they look good too. Oh yes you heard me, and did I tell you they make the female body look fantastic? Nope didn’t tell you that yet, well they look just as good as they feel and compliment all figures giving you five star support with all that comfort.

If you couldn’t wear skinny jeans not to worry the new jeggings were made just for you. Just check out the full bodied women and stars wearing them below.

What are Jeggings a Review

The color selection is great and can be paired with shoes of all types. Below I have a great video for you with amazing fashion tips on how to wear jeggings. Watch and learn you fashion diva you!

Much Love and Success, Katie


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Learning Your True Identity DNA Test

Learning Your True Identity DNA Test

Have you ever wondered where exactly your roots would take you? Do you know what your real heritage is? Learning your true Identity can be both explosive and bring great comfort in knowing.  Its amazing what happens to a person once they learn their real biological history and DNA.  Finding that last piece of the puzzle somehow helps us to move on and get on with life.  If your anxious and can wait no longer scroll down to the bottom of this page to learn how you can find out.

I was born an Irish girl with two sisters and three older brothers, or so I was told. In fact I looked different from my brothers, they were male no doubt but something was just bang off enough that strangers, family members and friends alike would always ask if I was adopted. Now I know what your thinking that’s not a question you just don’t come out and ask someone and yet the difference was so obvious that people just couldn’t keep their mouths shut.

There were my sisters as well, the three of us standing together had one major distraction and that was me. My Mum always said there was a fine line between black and red when it came to Irish folks.

What she meant was of course hair color. It did go beyond the hair, I just looked different. It would be some years later before I ever got the slightest bit of the truth and was it ever a dewsy.

Learning Your True Identity DNA Test

For starters my brothers looked very Irish as did my Mum and Dad. I on the other hand I had a big and bouncy head of brilliant red hair, freckles and green eyes.

This was the topic for much conversation about that cute lil red head. People would comment, what beautiful hair, where did she get the red hair and the questions were as natural to me childhood as, hello.

My Mum was a good Irish women who kept her secrets. Her response to any questioning on the matter would receive the reply don’t be silly you are your father’s child.

To make a long story short it was never pursued further until attending college.  My older siblings had gotten VA benefits as my Dad was a military man.  Coming up in a big Irish family as did I you needed all the financial help you could get. So as it went I applied and was caught off guard on day by a rejection from financial aid.

When I went to the office to inquire about this obvious error, I was told I didn’t qualify as there was no documentation of me being my fathers legal child.   How you ask, a deep dark secret emerged from that. At the time of my birth me Mum and Dad were not legally married and Me Dad did not sign the birth certificate.

This fact pressed ever so deeply within the heart of this lil red head. I was given no truthful explanation other than I was loved no less than the rest of me siblings.  Oh and there was the story about all the records of my birth being lost in a move… just mine.

Learning Your True Identity DNA Test

A few years down the long and winding road of my unknowing I was watching a program one day about genealogy.  I learned how your DNA could be tested to determine the exact origin of your culture. So, I had it done. Yes you guessed it, I was not my fathers child yet that of a Scotsman living just a wee bit from where I grew up.

So as it turns I am my Irish Mums child yet not my Irish Dad’s. I in fact am Scottish Irish or more commonly know as Scotch-Irish.

So me, Mums secret was out of the bag and I’ve never been more relieved to know the truth.  It matters not to me how this came to be, it’s really none of my business.  My Mom and Dad’s worked that out between them and I will never change the course of history.  But I now know my medical background and have had many a vital question answered.

The bitterest sweet bit to this tale is that my Irish Dad died suddenly of a heart attack before I learned the truth of my biological father.  Today there is an easy and painless way to determine your true identity if you will. I’ve learned a great deal sense about me Scottish Heritage and traditions.

It’s good to finally know the truth because the doubt that beats within the chest of unknowing has been silenced.  Us folks with something a wee bit different about us find comfort in the truth as it finally quiets that annoying beating drum sounding the message, who am I?

Much Love and Happiness, Katie




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The Best Zeppelin playlist on iTunes

A faithful reader of mine asked me to do a piece on Led Zeppelin.  Thinking about this amazing artist made it a quick and simple yes I will.  I created a playlist of Zeppelins best songs available on iTunes. Because after all, Led Zeppelin wrote and performed one of the greatest songs of all times and an all time favorite of mine as well. It is a magical tune!

Led Zepplelin is a great with a unique and creative nature.  Zeppelin’s stayed true to his craft through out his career.   This has really kept the music pure and a beast all its own, one living on forever.  When you here a Zeppelin tune you feel the truth in it as he puts his self into every song and never wavered to the political or media standards.

Zepplelin is truly an artist who talked the talk and walked the walk remaining constant and present in all his work. Hearing a Led Zeppelin song is like setting down and getting to know this musician.

I know you will enjoy hearing Led Zeppelin again or for the first time. I for one am someone who has always made the effort to learn about and enjoy music from era’s gone past. I’m really glad that I have as I’ve stumbled upon many a great music treasure. I feel 1969 was a really good year for Led finding most of my favorites to have come from this year.

First and foremost is ONE of my all time favorite songs EVER! If you’ve not heard stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin you’ve not heard music. Coming in at number 1 is Stairway to heaven a must have for every iPod known to man! PERIOD!

Stairway to Heaven, 1975, A magical tune that can not be done justice with my mere words, JUST LISTEN, the video is at the bottom of this page! It’s a long song for good reason! Click the link at the bottom of this list to hear Stairway to Heaven.

Thank You, 1969, The acoustic guitar in this is magical and the support of the piano only adds to it. This is a gentle tune I admire greatly.

Your Time is Gonna Come, 1969, This is a dark song with a strong percussion presence, I love the drums as they beat your soul to awakening.

Heartbreaker, 1969, This is hands down got to be up on the list of rocks greatest riffs. You are going to be amazed.

Ten Years Gone, 1975, This makes me wonder about the times of this era, reflective of the hypnotic state.

Since I’ve Been Loving You, 1970, This is no doubt a white mans version of the blues.

In My Time of Dying, 1975, This song is so different from what I expected having read the title.

Nobody’s Fault but Mine, 1976, More blues with a psychedelic feel, if I could imagine what psychedelic really is as it is so far removed from my era.

Misty Mountain Hop, 1971, This one left me confused, I have no idea what it’s about maybe mental acer can catch me up to speed!

No Quarter, 1973, I have nothing to say about this other than just listen, it seems as if he was making a personal statement, but again not really clear.

What is and What Should Never Be, 1969, This is a vocal before it’s time, when I first heard it I instantly thought rap, I now Zeppelin rapping, well the vocals remind me of it and the riff is insane as if a rocket setting idle and then quickly launching. Listen and find out for yourself.

Okay so there you have it my Zeppelin playlist of favorites you can download onto your iPod and enjoy anywhere anytime.

Peace, Love and Joy, Katie

Stairway to Heaven


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Ed Hardy College Satchels Totes Purses Backpacks and Shoulder Bags

At a family reunion I noticed the teens wearing a lot of tee shirts, carrying totes, bags and purses that reminded me of the past. I couldn’t put my finger on it but it created  a reaction capturing my attention.   I asked my relatives about the obvious trend.  They told me they were the must have fashion trend and everybody was wearing Ed Hardy.  Ed who I asked, ED HARDY they said in unison!  Then it hit me, these art inspired bags and such reflected the hot tattoo epidemic, yet in a non committal way.  I like this!

WOW, Ed Hardy Totes Satchels Purses Backpacks and Shoulder Bags must be one hot item! The Tees are very cool too!

Okay and with that I’m off to research and find out just how deep this trend runs. I was after all at a family reunion with hundreds of relatives from all over the country. We are a big fashion loving family spread far and wide! I knew this had to be big.


This was one of those times when you find out about something and it comes to life before your eyes.  I began to notice Ed Hardy everywhere.  This trend has proven to be as big as the tattoo epidemic.  The only difference the Ed Hardy fashions aren’t a permanent commitment.  You can mix and match this fun iconic trend as your moods swing.  This is a let loose and go with it kinda of fashion statement for when you want to let your hair down, relax and unwind.

While the backpack is a must have for trips to the library or day camps, totes are all the rage.  With kids in middle school, and teens on high school and college campus’s it’s a hot new trend.  You can bet you’ll hear your teen talking about this Ed Harding guy and now you’ll know who he is, or more to the point what a hot new trendy fashion statement it is.

After I researched and poured over the Ed Hardy Totes Satchels Purses and Backpacks collection, I understood the intense desire to get my hands on some of my own. The Ed Hardy line has a nostalgic feeling that screams free spirit.

I no doubt expect to see the Ed Hardy styles all over the middle school, high school and college campus scene this fall.

I get it, it’s cool, it’s new, fresh and far removed from the latest trends. The Ed Hardy collection screams I have a voice.  This writer understands how great it feels to make that statement especially among tweens and teens.  This is a safe non committal way to do just that.  Enjoy and get your fashion on!


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