The Toshiba Satellite L755 Laptop: Available Online

iconAt less than five hundred dollars, the Toshiba Satellite L755 model laptop is a very good deal. It gives you in a laptop everything you might otherwise desire in a desktop. And it is very light to carry around.

Here are some of its features:

  • HDMI port
  • USB with sleep and charge
  • Full-sized keyboard with 10 key
  • 802.11N wireless
  • Quad-core and Radeon Graphics
  • Windows 7

What does it look like? Watch this video:

YouTube Preview Image

You might be wondering what some of the features I mentioned above actually mean. Here is a brief explanation:

  • An HDMI (high definition multimedia interface) port is, according to the Wikipedia,  “a compact audio/video interface for transmitting digital data.” What this means in practice is that you can hook your cable or other video input onto your Toshiba  laptop and watch TV on the screen.
  • USB with sleep charge.  USB is universal serial bus. You are already familiar with that, in all probability. Thumb drives and almost any other plug in device nowadays connect to your computer through a USB port. The sleep charge portion of this feature means that you can charge a portable device, such as an ipod, while your computer is turned off. (There are four USB ports.)
  • The full sized keyboard is the same as on a desktop. So if you are used to touch key typing on a desktop, you will not have to adapt to this new keyboard.
  • 802.11 N wireless. The 802.11 is a convention for how to set up local area wireless maintained by IEEE Lanman. The N part is a new amendment to the protocol that was adopted in October 2009. It’s the latest standard.
  • Quadcore — Quadcore means that a microprocessor has four cores. This is important for graphics and gaming, because the four cores allow different data to be processed simultaneously. When there is more than one core, different program instructions can be processed at the same time, instead of one after another. Not so important for word processing or other essentially serial tasks, the ability to process simultaneously in real time is important to anything that tries to simulate the world in real time.
  • Radeon Graphics — is a brand of graphic processing units, and it probably comes in the computer’s graphic card. It’s supposed to be good for gamers and other real time visual processing.
  • DVD/CD RW means that there is a built in DVD player that will also burn CDs and DVDs.
  • Windows 7 is an operating system created by Microsoft. Many consider it the best new operating system since XP.

One of the features of the Toshiba Satellite L755 laptop that I find most useful is that you can shoot video clips directly from the operating system through your built in camera.  You don’t need to have a separate camera and then try to convert the files from the camera to something you can use in Windows Movie maker. Also, there is no built-in limit as to how long a clip can run.  The web camera application allows you to start filming anytime you like and stop when you choose. The videos can be found in your video folder, and they are ready to  be edited in Windows Movie Maker before you upload them to YouTube.

The Toshiba Satellite L755 is light enough to carry with you everywhere and rugged enough to allow a chimpanzee to use, under close supervision. For a video of Bow using a Toshiba Satellite L755, read this blog entry from Notes from the Pens.

iconIf you buy your Toshiba Laptop through PubWages, you will be making a contribution to Project Bow.

© 2o11 Aya Katz

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What is a Hermaphrodite Brig or Brigantine?

Sometimes when we are reading about history, we come across terms that we don’t understand. It may not be a question of lack of education or breadth of experience. It sometimes has to do with not understanding the technical details of a technology that is no longer commonly used. Imagine someone a few centuries into the future having to try to piece together through context the difference between a Toyota Corolla and a Honda Civic, a PC and a Mac, or an XP versus a Windows ME.  They probably would realize that the first two were some kind of motor vehicle and the last four had something to do with computers, but the subtle differences would be lost on them.

I have been reading about the War of 1812, and I regularly come across terms like “a hermaphrodite brig”, or a brig or a felucca or a sloop or a schooner or a brig goelette, and in my mind, for some time, I have just been translating these terms into “some kind of ship or boat.” But then if you read a sentence like: “They converted the brig into a hermaphrodite brig,” you really start to wonder. Does that mean that a hermphrodite brig isn’t a “kind of brig”? And if not, what’s the difference?

When I looked up hermaphrodite brig in the wikipedia, I was directed to the entry on “brigantine”.  Apparently brigantine is the modern day term for a hermaphrodite brig. It denotes a ship with two masts, where only the forward one is square rigged. Here is a picture from the wikipedia:

File:Exy.jpgIn case you are wondering what it means to be “square rigged”, it refers to sails that have horizontal spars that are perpendicular to the mast. The spars are also sometimes also called yards, and the tips that go beyond the sail are called “yard-arms”. Apparently, a square rigged sail is more aerodynamic, compared to its non-square equivalent. Here is a picture from the wikipedia of a square rigged mast.

A hermaphrodite brig has two masts, and only one of them is squared: the forward one. But a brig, on the other hand, is a ship with two masts both of which are squared. Here is a picture from the Wikipedia of a brig:

The question is: if you’ve got a brig, why would you convert it to a hermaphrodite brig? If square rigging is the most aerodynamic, why would you choose to make one of the masts less aerodynamic?

Brigs were used as cargo ships as well as warships . When  in battle they could carry as many as eighteen guns. With both masts square-rigged, a bigger crew was required to man the same sized ship. So if you wanted to use a smaller crew, then converting to a hermaphrodite brig, with only one square mast, was a good choice.

A brig would normally require a twelve man to sixteen man crew. This begs the question: How few hands could a hermaphrodite brig or brigantine be crewed by? The wikipedia is unclear on this point. If you know the answer, please post it in a comment.

The best way to learn about ships and boats is to experience them for yourself. However, there are neither brigs nor brigantines for sale on Amazon today. The closest vessel I have found that you can buy online is this:

If you want to do research about types of sailboats, here is a good book to buy:

© 2o11 Aya Katz

Posted in Boating and Water Sports | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Maze Finger App Review

Maze Finger is a really good addicting app that you can get at the app store completely free. When you first get into the game and install the app it kind of looks like an electrical maze. You have to use your finger to follow the start line and get to the finish line any other way you’d draw a maze or walk into a maze. When you’re finished it will say how you did in a robotic voice. This is a very fun game and there’s not much to say about it but many people would enjoy a review about it and I recommend to get it right now. I’d give it about a 7 and a half out of 10 because I’m more into simulation games but for boys this would be a good game and also for girls too.

It’s very entertaining and you can get awards and find yourself on the leaderboard if you get to a very high score. If you have a plus account you can also log into it and it will show you your achievements and save your work. The farther you get the harder the level will increase but it’s worth it. Each time you complete a level it will show you how you did on each level and will have a check point. For a full app review video of this watch this video which I also don’t own:

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Puffle Launch App Review

Puffle Launch is a new app made by Disney. It’s based on the virtual world Club Penguin that many kids, preteens, and even teens play. As most of you know Club Penguin is a very popular virtual world so they finally after years decided to make a mobile app for it. You can buy Puffle Launch at the app store for only 99 cents. I have been on it for a while and it seems to be a pretty great addicting game that you can just pick up and play.  In the game you’re this puffle who shoots out of small cannons and tries to get as high as you can. You can also get coins on the way up and when you’re game is over you can connect your Club Penguin account to it and add the coins that you’ve collected to your Club Penguin Account. It works very well and overall I think it’s an amazing app.

I would probably give it an 8 out of 10. You can pick any level that you’ve unlocked and get as far as you can.

Watch this preview video of it:

Or for more information and a full review of it watch this video which I also don’t own:

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Nuts App Review

Nuts is another great app for the iPod Touch at the app store for only 99 cents! In this app you’re this cartoon squirrel and you must climb up this tree with many branches and obstacles in the way that will make you loose a life. You start out with three lives and when you lose them all it’s obviously game over. You can get power up boosts and collect as many coins as you can while climbing up the tree and avoiding obstacles such as branches and other things. You can also purchase power ups at the store from the coins you earn each game. When you’re playing the squirrel you basically tilt your iPod/iPhone to move it back and forth while avoiding spikes and branches.

When you first start the game you always get a power up which makes your squirrel climb super fast knocking all the obstacles down that get in it’s way but it doesn’t last for a very long time. While you’re climbing it will also show you how high you are and keep you updated. You can gain another life on the way if you get another heart. This game is also very addicting as most of the other apps I’ve written reviews on. You can later go to the leader board and look at everyone’s highest scores. You can also look at your achievements. I would probably give this game a 9 and three quarters out of 10.

For a full review of this game watch this video, I do not own:

Posted in Electronics and Computers, Games, Virtual Worlds | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

My tribute to John Lydon is in the YouBloom Quarter Finals

My song Johnny Rotten’s Still My Hero has made it through to the quarter finals of the YouBloom Music Awards I am proud to say. The song is a tribute to John Lydon, who formerly fronted the outrageous punk rock band the Sex Pistols, and then went on to be the singer and songwriter for PIL.
I wrote and recorded the song back in 2002 and was backed by a new girl group called The Somethings, whom I had met at a concert I was playing at the West End Centre in Aldershot. We became friends and they were inspired to put their own band together after watching my performance. The girls asked if they could play support to me if I ever played down there way again and I said they could go one better by being my backing band for a recording I was planning.
In true punk D-I-Y spirit we only had one rehearsal for the recording and just did it! The song was recorded at Raven Studios in Crawley.
Johnny Rotten’s Still My Hero also mentions David Icke by name in relation to his Reptilian conspiracy theory and how he claims that the late Princess Diana had called the Royal Family “the lizards.” The song was written to make reference to the Golden Jubilee of the Queen which took place in 2002. The Sex Pistols came to fame back at the last Jubilee before this when their song God Save The Queen was banned from airplay despite being at the top of the UK charts.
My song needs your votes to get through to the semi finals so please vote for it here:

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V for Vendetta masks or Guy Fawkes masks

This year, if you can think of nothing else to wear for a costume party, you might consider a V for Vendetta or Guy Fawkes mask. Why? It’s a popular choice and one of the best-selling items on Amazon, and what is best about it is this: if everybody else is wearing the same mask, then that’s not a problem. It does not imply lack of originality, as any other duplicate costume might. You can just pretend that you are all revolutionaries who want to maintain your anonymity while showing solidarity with “the Cause” by hiding behind the very same mask. After all, that worked for the protesters in the news recently.

1. What is he difference between a V for Vendetta Mask and a Guy Fawkes Mask?

Technically, a V for Vendetta mask is one that is licensed by Time Warner, the people who own the copyright to the V for Vendetta franchise, through their movie, V for Vendetta.

A Guy Fawkes mask, on the other hand, would be a mask depicting Guy Fawkes, a historical personage, whose image can’t possibly be copyrighted or trademarked.

The problem is: the V for Vendetta movie bases the look of its mask on the supposed appearance of Guy Fawkes, and it’s hard to find other Guy Fawkes masks.

Believe me, I have tried. If you look up “Guy Fawkes mask” on Amazon, here’s what you get:


2. Who was Guy Fawkes?

Guy Fawkes was an English revolutionary whose foiled plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament resulted in an national holiday. I remember being told by an English acquaintance that this was his favorite holiday. He told me about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, and I asked why this was a cause for celebration. He said it was because the plot was foiled, but it seemed to me that it was the idea of blowing up Parliament that really appealed to him, in theory, though not necessarily in practice.

Imagine if we had “Squeaky Fromm Day”, to celebrate the day when President Ford narrowly escaped being shot by the said Squeaky Fromm, whose plot to assassinate the president came to naught because when she pulled the trigger there was no bullet in the chamber!

Imagine the franchise some enterprising person could make of Squeaky Fromm masks! Of course, there would have to be a whole series of Manson family masks, each different, but equally appealing.

Like Squeaky Fromm, Guy Fawkes did not hatch his plot alone. He had a number of co-conspirators. Here is a contemporary image of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators from the Wikimedia Commons:

File:Gunpowder Plot conspirators.jpg

Apparently the conspirators did not need to wear Guy Fawkes masks, because they already all looked exactly the same. (Notice that Guy Fawkes is identified by his revoluntionary name, Guido Fawkes.)

Why, you may ask, did Guy Fawkes want to blow up the Houses of Parliament? The leader of his band of revolutionaries was Robert Catesby, and their purpose was to assassinate King James the first, a protestant, and to replace him on the throne by his daughter Elizabeth, a Catholic. Guy Fawkes was described by contemporaries as “”pleasant of approach and cheerful of manner, opposed to quarrels and strife … loyal to his friends”. He also was smart, brave, tall, handsome and had red hair and a red beard. For some reason, this last feature never made it into the Time Warner mask.

The Gunpowder Plot conspirators were tortured, tried and then hanged, drawn and quartered. November 5 was made a national holiday to commemorate the foiling of the plot.

3. What do People Use the V for Vendetta Mask for?

In the movie V for Vendetta, the image of Guy Fawkes and the date November 5 are instrumental in a stand taken against a dystopian, totalitarian government.

Since the movie came out, many protesters, of various political persuasions, have taken to wearing the V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask as both a symbol of solidarity and a shield of anonymity. Some have thought it ironic that every time someone purchases a V for Vendetta mask in an anti-establishmentarian display, they are actually contributing financially to the well being of a corporate giant of the establishment: Time Warner. People who think this way are missing a vitally important point: to have freedom of the press, you need to own a press, and if you want the freedom to wear a mask, you first have to own a mask. There can be no freedom of speech without private property. This is true even when the speech involved is nothing more than the act of putting on a mask.

So do you want to protest or just look like a protester? Are you a loner or a joiner? Either way, the V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask is very much in vogue! And if you want to wear it, then you first need to buy it. Where better than right here on PubWages!

© 2o11 Aya Katz

Books by Aya Katz –– Order Here.

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Ron Paul at the Republican Debate

Last night, my daughter and I watched the Republican debate on the Youtube Fox News channel. This is the first time that I have seen a live broadcast on YouTube. “Can’t you put it on pause?” my daughter asked me, when I shushed her for interrupting. “No, I can’t,” I told her: “This is happening right now. It’s just like watching TV!” This impressed her for a moment, but clearly, it wasn’t the Disney Channel, and she did not find all of it to be equally entertaining.

We don’t get any television reception, we don’t pay for cable, and we don’t subscribe to a newspaper, so we are pretty much cut off from mainstream culture in real time. My daughter gets to watch TV when she visits friend’s houses, or at her grandmothers, or she can watch whatever happens to be available on YouTube. It’s been years since the antenna on our roof served any useful purpose. Now it acts as a lightning rod or a weathercock.

My daughter was impressed with Michele Bachmann when she said that our money is our own and we don’t have to give it to the government. I was not equally impressed, though, as Bachmann clearly wasn’t articulating a platform of zero taxation. Businessman Herman Cain, the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, was another new face we had not seen before. He has a very appealing personality and his 9999 flat rate taxation plan is better than some. However, my favorite remains Ron Paul. Here’s a clip of Ron Paul at the debate:

YouTube Preview Image

Notice he answers the question about the tenth amendment directly and is willing to stop right there. He doesn’t feel the need to engage in useless rhetoric. He isn’t like all the other politicians. He gives an honest answer to a direct question.

Perry and Romney were taking swipes at each other all night, believing themselves to be the front runners, and feeling no need to worry about the other candidates. But my eye is on Ron Paul. I’m not the only one. Every time Ron Paul finished speaking, the applause was deafening.

© 2011 Aya Katz

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Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Michelle Tisdale is a beautiful singer and actress who has been in quite a few movies and shows and has some very good songs. Some of her best songs that are my favorites are: He Said She Said, Not Like That, and Crank It Up. She sings pop and hip hop. She’s been on Disney Channel many times and has her own movie called: “Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure”. She also has her own case to keep pencils and utensils in that has the word “Fabulous” on it. She has been on “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” and also “High School Musical”. She plays as the character called : Sharpay. Her middle name is Michelle and she’s very active and out going. She’s also had quite a few concerts and CD’s.

She is one of my favorite singers and actresses. She likes to change her style. Her natural hair color is blonde but she’s dyed it brown once. There a few pictures of her holding a small dog such as a Yorkshire Terrior. She is funny, sweet, and caring. If you don’t believe me then watch her interviews. She is very photogenic and loves to pose.

You can watch an old interview video of her right here:

You can buy Ashley’s movie at your local store or here on

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Exercise and Me

I am not star material for the Olympics, but I do like to keep my body moving.

Truth be told, being from New York and living most of my life in the city, and now that I am living in a rural town in Oregon, with a nature loving man, who can easily climb up a hill without a huff or a puff, and slide down the hills easily, while I huff and puff, and look sideways to make sure I don’t lose my balance, or that there are bugs or snakes near me, I am exercise and rather critter challenged. My legs and feet like flat well paved areas. I can walk, and walk to my heart’s content, without getting tired, which I used to do while doing my city living.

For me, using the treadmill is enjoyable. It’s a good aerobic exercise, which energizes me. I combine it with light bar bell lifting, and Stairmaster climbing. In order to make time pass quickly, I often say my affirmations, such as “I am open to prosperity in all areas of my life”, or send positive thoughts and prayers for family or friends who may need it. At other times, I spend my exercise time, expressing gratitude for everything in my life; from my mate, to my family, friends, the trees outside my window, to the animals, and yes, even the critters such as bugs and snakes and to the sky… as everything is part of Creation. This exercises not only my body, but also my spiritual ‘muscles.’ Pretty uplifting for me! I also have been doing Tai Chi for the last 3 months which relaxes me, increases flexibility and helps with balance.

If you haven’t started exercising, it’s a good habit to establish, especially during pre menopause and on to post menopause; it strengthens bone mass, strengthens the heart, keeps your energy moving. Many experts recommend at least (check with your doctor) 30 minutes of exercise daily, and suggest varying your routine from aerobics, to strength training along with balance training to help prevent falls associated with traumatic fractures in older adults. I believe you need to find a routine you are comfortable with, listen to your body, or else you won’t stick to it. Better to do some exercise, than none at all!

Power to you!

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