First start off by making an oval shaped head. Next connect a long neck to it connectiong into a long body. Make the legs go into paws and draw sharp claws. Then going back to the face draw squinting big eyes and snake looking pupils. Draw a small nose and add some shine to it if you’d like. Make the mouth connecting to it in the shape of a W. Once you’re done with the face you can draw the ears. Make the ears pointy and a little bit curved around the edges of them. Draw a curved tail on the end of the body. Later when you’re finished you can draw the additional details to the cat. If you want to make it a girl cat and a little bit cartoony you can also draw a ribbon on it’s head or long eyelashes to the eyes. Or if it’s a boy you can draw a collar although most cats don’t have collars. It’s your choice how you want to make it look like. These are some simple steps on how to draw a cat. You can either make it look realistic or like a cartoon. For more details on how to draw a cat watch this video which I do not own: