Fields Full of Flowers: Restoring Native Prairie with Kathy Freeze

This Friday the guest on our livestream was Kathy Freeze.

Kathy Freeze with her fields full of flowers.

Kathy told the story of how she turned different portions of her 23 acres into native prairie with beautiful flowers for pollinators to enjoy.

You Can view the entire interview on YouTube

If you live in Missouri and are interested in wildflowers and native plants, here are some resources:

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The Dark Side of Rain or Shine

Rain or Shine is a Korean show about survivors of a mall collapse that killed 48 people

Rain or Shine as a K-drama

Rain or Shine is a gem of a South Korean show. I rank it right up there with My Mister, and just a little below Mr. Sunshine. In fact, since it has a positive character who is both a loan shark and drug dealer, I might actually rank Rain or Shine above My Mister as a libertarian drama.

Ha Moon-S00 and Lee Gang-Doo

Rain or Shine: The Basic Plot

Years after the collapse of a mall kills 48 people and the architect of the mall commits suicide, the survivors of the collapse come together to rebuild. In the process, hidden memories surface, love blossoms, and emotional conflicts are explored and resolved.

Ha Moon-Soo

Rain or Shine: The Characters

  • Ha Moon-Soo (Won Jin-A) — A survivor of the mall collapse who builds architectural models for a living.
  • Lee Gang-Doo (Lee Joon-Ho) — A survivor of the mall collapse who works in construction.
  • Seo Joo-Won (Lee Ki-Woo) — The son of the architect who designed the mall that collapsed, he is now in charge of designing the new mall. He is the direct supervisor of Ha Moon-Soo.
  • Jung Yoo-Jin (Kang Han-Na) — Her father was in charge of the building project of the collapsed mall. She and Joo-Won used to be romantically involved. Her brother is in charge of the new building project. Her father is married to Joo-Won’s mother. She herself is an architecturally trained business woman.
  • Yoon-Ok (Yun Yoo-Sun) — Moon-Soo’s mother, who runs a bath house for women. She is racked with guilt over the death of her younger daughter, Yeon-Soo, in the collapsed mall and has become an alcoholic.
  • Ha Dong-Chul (Ahn Nae-Sang) — Moon-Soo’s father who runs a noodle shop close to the site of the collapsed mall. He is separated from his wife. He is also the person whose confrontation with the architect caused Joo-Won’s father to commit suicide.
  • Ha Yeon-Soo (Han Seo-Jin) –Moon-Soo’s little sister who was killed in the mall collapse.
  • Jung Yoo-Taek (Tae In-Ho) — Yu-Jin’s brother, a very incompetent businessman.
  • Lee Jae-Young (Kim Hye-Jun) — Gang-Doo’s sister, a doctor.
  • Ma-Ri (Yoon Se-Ah) — A kind hearted madam.
  • Sang-Man (Kim Gang-Hyun) — An autistic neighbor of Gang-Du.
  • Loan Shark/Drug Dealer Grandmother (Na Moon-Hee)
  • Joo-won’s Mother (Nam Gi-Ae)

Rain or Shine: The Moral Dilemmas

Who is responsible for the mall collapse? Was it the architect who put together the perfect blue prints? The construction company who tried to cut costs? The construction worker who was caught reselling materials from the mall construction project? Who should be blamed? Who is responsible for a little girl’s death in the collapse? Her older sister who should have been at her side? Her mother, who sent both girls unaccompanied into the mall alone? And what if none of them are responsible? What if life is just cruel? Do you blame the heartless universe or whatever god you believe in?

I explore these issues in greater depth in the video embedded below.

Rain or Shine: Libertarian Aspects

The character of the loan shark/drug dealer with the heart of gold is a very nice touch. This show demonstrates that there is a clear difference between what is immoral and what is illegal. Some of the kindest people sell medicine under the table to people the medical profession refuses to serve. Some of the best bankers are loan sharks, lending money at exorbitant rates to people who otherwise would be turned away.

Like many other shows about art and architecture from South Korea, this drama also features architectural drawings. If you are interested in the art of Rain or Shine, watch the video embedded above.

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The Art in Our Beloved Summer

There are two artists responsible for the main character’s art in the South Korean drama Our Beloved Summer. The first of these is Thibaud Herem. The second is Seungbae Kim.

Thibaud Herem


An image by Seungbae Kim

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Contrasting Acrylic Painting with Watercolor

My latest experiment with Watercolor

I am sure we have all had the experience in childhood of trying to paint with watercolor. I remember how much fun it was to try, but the overall result was less than satisfying. The color went everywhere, and even if I thought I was pretty good at drawing what I wanted, I had to admit that my finished watercolor painting looked as if a baby had made it. There were no sharp edges and the water flowed over everything. It was a mess!

In my teens, I took some classes in acrylic painting, and I came to feel that this was my medium. I could control the paint. I could layer it. It dried very fast, and I could paint light layers over dark layers and vice versa. It was versatile.

A few years ago, my daughter gifted me with a creativity set that included markers, colored pencils, crayons and watercolors. It was a nice gift, but I put it aside, convinced that acrylic painting was my only medium, and that anything I tried to do with watercolor would look like a baby painting, all splotches and no form.

But recently I have begun to follow other artists on YouTube who do magical things with watercolor. My own experiments with coffee painting made me see how a water based medium has unexpected bonuses, in the blooming that water creates on the page.

Cleaning out my closet, I rediscovered the creativity set, with its built in water colors. At first, I decided I would use it for flowers. I had this gorgeous photo of the phlox from last summer. Would it be possible to reproduce it with watercolor, however sloppily?

The result was not that wonderful, but it was not as awful as it could have been.

By the time I had gotten around to painting my favorite subject, my daughter, with watercolor, I devised the following method that contrasts neatly with my normal practice with acrylics:

  • I create the structure for watercolor with a pencil sketch, whereas in acrylics the structure is painted along with the color.
  • Light areas in watercolor have to be shielded from paint application, whereas in acrylic you can paint light on dark.
  • Blending of colors can occur on the page, but with watercolor dark always overwhelms light.
  • In watercolor, accidents need to be embraced, whereas in acrylics they can be fixed.

There is something fun and magical now for me in painting with watercolors. Very little need be done to accomplish much. So when I am taking a hiatus from acrylics, I can play with watercolors and enjoy both the process and the result.


Another watercolor painting

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Daniel Kelly Sings

On the Friday night livestream of February 4, 2022, our guest was singer/songwriter Daniel Kelly.

Daniel Kelly

Daniel’s songs cover topics like the defintion of art, slackware, and the controversy concerning Olympics in China. He also sets the words of others to music, such as William Blake’s “The Tyger”. His songs can be short and funny, but he also writes long ballads.

The Contents of the Livestream

If you would like to go directly to one of the songs, the contents are indexed here;

CONTENTS 00:00:00 Introduction 00:13:05 What is Art? 00:20:31 The Fox and the Tiger 00:33:40 Keep Politics out of Sports 00:43:28 The Ballad of the Dark Crystal 00:52:16 GNU’s not Unix 01:01:00 The Tyger (words: William Blake) 01:14:34 Smug and Woke 01:19:50 Gawain and the Green Knight 01:37:17 Don’t Look Up

Daniel Kelly Sings

Daniel Kelly has also sung some of my filks.

My dissertation song

Here is my filk from Mr. Sunshine.

The Yellow Rose of Joseon

Here is a link to Daniel Kelly’s YouTube channel:

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Letters of Condolence

When my grandfather, Benzion Katz, the Rector of the University of Tel Aviv, died in 1968, my grandmother Klara Katz received many, many letters of condolence. Two of the most notable are from my grandfather’s brother, Juliusz Katz-Suchy, and from his niece, Irena Narell.

Katz-Suchy Letter — page 1
Katz-Suchy Letter –page 2

Here is the letter by Irena Narell.

Irena’s letter — Page 1
Irena’s Letter — Page 2

Katz-Suchy and Irena Narell had a complicated relationship as described here;

Here is a song sung by Kate Gladstone about them.

Kate Gladstone sings “Ashes to the Taste”

Below is a clip of Juliusz Katz-Suchy before the United Nations, talking about the siege of Jerusalem. (His brother Benzion was within the walls of the besieged city at the time.)

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The Life of Dr. David Meier Beker

Dr. David Meier Beker was born April 25, 1913 in Poland. He was the son of Samuel and Reisie Beker. I happen to have some documents pertaining to him, because he was a first cousin of my maternal grandmother Sara Cohen Minkowitz. Grandmother Sara’s mother and Dr. Beker’s mother were sisters. I do not know the date of his death because he was lost at sea while serving on a British ship off the coast of Malta sometime in 1945. The ship sank and all on board died. His body was never recovered.

A photo of Dr. Beker is found the right of the larger photo of my gradparents, Sara & Isaac Mikowitz

To the family, Dr. Beker was known as Meier (מאיר). His hair was black, as were his brows and his eyes were black as well. That’s what the documents say. His eyes were not brown. They were black! This reminds me of a Russian song.

Dr. Beker served in the Polish military in 1938 and 1939, as seen in his military service booklet.

The cover of the military booklet “Ksiazecka Wojskowa”
Personal details from pages 2 and 3 of the military booklet

He was 165 centimeters in height, his nose was straight, his lips were thin, his beard was…? I think he was clean shaven, and he had no special identifying marks. His face was oval in shape.

In 1936 he received his certification as a Doctor of Medicine, after getting his diploma in medicine in 1934 in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

In his civilian life, practiced medicine, as a general practioner. In the army, he was a corporal in the Cadet Reserve. His specialty in the army was medicine.

This booklet is from 1938. Poland fell in 1939 when it was invaded by Germany and Russia (September 1 to October 6). On page 8 of the booklet there is something from August 10, 1939.

Entry from August 1939

The next thing that happened, based on the documents I have, was that Dr. Beker arrived in Romania as a Polish refugee.

In Romania, he stayed at the YMCA.

YMCA card from Romania

Dr. Beker eventually arrived in Palestine and began to serve the Hebrew Settlement as a doctor. He lived in Tel Aviv, where he had an uncle (J. Beker) who was already well established.

Committee Minutes

The above document is the minutes of the Medical Committee from the 13th of November, 1940. While Dr. Beker may not have been there, he must have been informed of its deliberations , as he had a copy of it in his pocket medical book. Present were members of the Medicine Committee, the Doctors Carmen, Gelbitz, Hichman, Heller, Lebkowitz, Meier, Finksohn, Feichel, Kott and Rosenkrantz. For the center, Soroka, Perelson and Kanivski. And Dr. Lebowitz was invited as speaker.

Here is a list of the topics covered:

A. Supervision of Medical Substances

B. The Dietery Department

C. The Obligation of the Doctor to Know the Hebrew Language and to Use It

D. The Injection of a Serum Against Tetanus

Eventually, Dr. Beker heard that his family back in Poland had been killed by the Germans. He decided to enlist in the British armed forces in order to contribute to the war effort. Below is the notice he received when he was awarded a commission.

Dr. Beker’s Commission

Dr. Beker voluntarily enlisted to serve in the British military. He did not have to do this, and my grandmother urged him not to. But he wanted to be of service. The following medical documents from his work life remain.

This prescription is transcribed by handwriting expert Kate Gladstone so we can actually see what is written.

The lab report transcribed by Kate Gladstone

Dr. Beker was lost at sea when the British ship he was on sank in the Agean Sea on the 24th of October 1943. His body was never recovered. He never married or had children, but he was mourned by all who knew him. There is a memorial stone that mentions him at the Athens Memorial in Greece.

Many years ago, my grandmother Sara gave me a book Dr. Beker used to own, when she learned I was studying German. The book was titled “Schnirer Medizinal Index”. Inside I found all the slips of paper shared here, and a few more. This is how I happened to find that I had quite a few documents from this remarkable life cut short.

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Casablanca Revisited with Julia Hanna

Recently I had a conversation with Julia Hanna about the classic film noire, Casablanca. Like many of us, Julia had seen Casablanca before, but she watched it again not too long ago, and here are her new insights.

Julia’s reactions to Casablanca, which will go live 1-27-22 at 8:45 pm

Some of the topics covered in this discussion include:

  • Why did Rick not speak fluent Arabic?
  • Why could Rick not go back to New York?
  • Was Rick an idealist or a cynic?
  • Did Rick and Ilsa love each other? Were they in love or just in lust?
  • Who was the better man: Rick or Victor Laszlo?
  • Why do American ex-pats live in ethnic ghettos cut off from native populations?
Thumbnail Image by Julia

Join Julia Hanna and me for this discussion, and don’t forget toshare your own observations in the comments below.


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First Filksing of the Year — 2022

We had our first filksing of the year on Jan. 21, 2022. Julia Hanna and Aya Katz were the hosts, and the guests were Leslie Fish, Kate Glastone, Mark Horning and Katrina Joyner.

Leslie Fish is a filk legend who needs no introduction. She is a singer, composer, songwriter and almost every famous filksong of this century or the previous bears her mark, either directly as songwriter, composer and performer, or for the influence she has had on others in the field.


Click on the timestamp to get to the song listed to the right of it.

00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:56 Mark sings “The Voices in my Head” cowritten with Michelle Dochery & Pat Connor 00:11:11 Leslie Fish sings “Song of the Men’s Side” (Kipling) 00:15:44 Kate sings “Into the Comet” based on Arthur C. Clarke 00:26:38 Katrina sings “Music Box” 00:32:35 Leslie sings “The Cadillac” words by Aya Katz 00:42:54 Mark sings “Friends of Fallen Fortunes” words by Henry Lawson 00:51:25 Kate sings “Keep Your Pants on Skipper” (Tune: Let Me Call You Sweetheart”) 01:04:31 Leslie sings “Natural Theology” (Kipling) 01:08:59 Kate sings “Careless Steps Can End A March” with Andrew Haber & Mark Mandel 01:15:06 Mark sings “History Repeats Before Us” 01:20:24 Kate sings “The Sons of Martha” (Kipling) 01:26:00 Leslie sings “The Sons of Martha” (Kipling) 01:39:56 Mark sings “Ayn Rand & Leslie Fish” Tune: “Jubal & Tubal Cain” 01:43:03 Kate sings “Brand Name Bullies” 01:52:41 Leslie Fish sings “Filker’s Fate”, words by Aya Katz Tune: “Heriot’s Ford” 01:56:55 Mark sings “What Manner of Speech is This?” 01:59:46 Leslie sings “In the Neolithic Age” (Kipling) 02:05:50 Kate sings “The Bricklayer’s Threes” 02:15:48 Kate sings “Appendectomy Country Style” (McBurney Square) 02:26:09 Mark sings “The Four Angels” (Kipling) 02:35:55 Leslie sings “The Bonfires” (Kipling) 02:44:22 Mark sings “Iron Men” 02:47:19 Kate sings “Wingless” 02:53:49 Katrina sings “West of the Moon”


Many of the songs performed at the filksing had lyrics by Rudyard Kipling and music by Leslie Fish. Mark Horning and Kate Gladstone also composed original music to Kipling’s verse.

Some songs were original words set to new music or parodies of other songs. Leslie Fish composed new music on the spot to go with Aya Katz’s poem The Cadillac.

The next filksing is scheduled for Feb. 18, 2022. Don’t miss it !

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Review: A Good Woman by Oscar Wilde

The 2004 Movie Poster for A Good Woman

This little gem of a movie from 2004 is well worth watching. Starring Helen Hunt, Scarlett Johansson and Tom Wilkinson, the film’s script boasts dialogue by Oscar Wilde. The only problem: the story is not wild and daring the way the movie poster suggests. Instead, it is sweet and romantic and showcases the mother/daughter bond over and above any sexual escapades. “Seduction, sex, scandal,” the movie poster reads. But there is none of that in this film. What we have here is more like gossip, innuendo and deep affection. It is in fact a farce from the 19th century.

This is a movie produced in 2004 that is set in 1930, but written in 1892. I loved it from the start, before I noticed in the closing credits that it was based on the play by Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan. The screenplay was by Howard Himelstein, but the dialogue comes straight out of Oscar Wilde.

Is this a great movie? No. But it is a good one. Some films are like vast, tumultuous novels. Dr. Zhivago is one of those. In fact, the movie Dr. Zhivago was longer than the book. Some movies are shorter and more slim. The Seven Percent Solution is deeply satisfying, but feels more like a short story than a novel. Some movies have the plot of a short story, but try to last as long as a novel. Star Trek: The Motion Picture felt like an episode of the series that got dragged out interminably, hence its nickname, The Motionless Picture. The Wrath of Khan, on the other hand, was a film that felt like a novel.

Critics of A Good Woman may consider it a mere whisp of a movie. But the film is based on a play whose genre was farce. A farce has the structure of a short story, not the grand sweeping vistas of a novel. And the denouement of the plot is not huge. It is about the size of a story By O Henry.

Other criticisms have to do with Helen Hunt’s emotional flatness. They say she is unconvincing as a seductress. This stems from a misunderstanding of the story. Helen Hunt does not play a seductress in this movie. She plays a pragmatic woman who loves her daughter.

The movie was not a great box office success. However, you can now watch it on YouTube free of charge. And that is a win for the ordinary movie goer. Watch it below!

For a review of this movie on Julia Hanna’s channel, watch this:
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