What Makes a Welfare Mother: Another Song from The Debt Collector

The Debt Collector is a libertarian musical set in the 1980s about a family named the Larks, their landlady, Mrs. Hauser, their social worker, Siren, and, in the title role, Blood, the debt collector hired by the landlady.

In the song “What Makes a Welfare Mother”, Lottie Lark, the mother of the family, laments her situation. She is both angry at how she is being treated and anxious about what might happen next.  Victoria Trestrail’s warm, expressive voice is just right for this part. Listen to her sing, and then we’ll talk.

Composed by Daniel Carter and written by me, “What Makes a Welfare Mother” conveys Lottie’s anguish at being caught in the welfare trap. Welfare does not liberate her to do what she wants. Instead, it enslaves her to the state and makes her and her children subject to supervision, intervention and separation. In the end, it endangers the life of one of her children at the hands of a state worker.

This song appears in the third act of the play, when all the characters are a little bit more mellow, have stopped complaining about each other and are beginning to realize that if they don’t start to treat each other better, they will not be able to survive against the backdrop of a state that pits one person against another.

I look forward to hearing the next song in this series sung. It is called “Can You Forgive”, and it is about reconciliations.

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Two Songs from the Debt Collector by Daniel Carter and Aya Katz Peformed by Jill Dabney

Writing a musical is easy. Getting somebody to perform it is hard. When it comes to the music itself, very few people can even read it.  (Confession: I can’t either.) Daniel Carter wrote some beautiful music for my lyrics, but even the best of  vocalists do not know how to sing the songs, because they cannot follow the sheet music to find out how it goes.

That’s where  Jill Dabney, a professional musician and music teacher, has come in to help us. She can read the music and sing the songs, but not all the songs are for women and not all the songs are for adults, and not every song is meant to be sung in Jill’s key. So what we are going to do is use Jill as a teacher — which is what she is — and she will teach us how to sing the songs. And then the people who are right for each of the parts can volunteer to play those parts. At any event, this is what we plan to do.

In this pub, Jill will help to introduce two of the songs from our play, The Debt Collector. One is meant to be sung by a woman, another by a man. The first song is called “God Help the Lonely Landlord.” It is sung by a character in  The Debt Collector who is named Helga Hauser.

To get us in the mood for the song, first let’s look at the page in the script where that song occurs:

copyright 2012 Aya Katz

Now, also to get us ready, let us first listen to Jill playing the musical accompaniment to this song. The musical accompaniment, by the way, carries only the merest hint of the melody to the vocals. You cannot learn the vocal melody just by listening to the accompaniment.

Now, we are ready for the vocals. But before you listen to Jill sing them, you might want to study the lyrics:

God help the lonely landlord
Who gives the poor a home
They judge me by their standards
But I am all alone.
It’s true that I’m an owner 
But just what do I own?
When the rent is due
They owe me, but I still pay the loan.
You see, there is a mortgage,
And taxes are assessed.
And the tenants are so horrid.
When they leave,
Who cleans the mess?
But who am I to judge them
And what they choose to do
To live beyond their budget, when the rich all do it, too!

And now here’s Jill:

Now the next song, which is really a continuation of this one, and not a whole different song, is meant to be sung by Carl Lark, the tenant. In order to understand the context of the song, I include the page from The Debt Collector where the song “Don’t Dare to Judge Another” appears:

Copyright 2012 Aya Katz


Now let’s listen to Jill Dabney playing the accompaniment to “Don’t Dare to  Judge Another”:

The words to “Don’t Dare to Judge Another” are:

Don’t dare to judge another
Until you’ve tried his shoes
A landlord or a mother
Or a loan shark all pay dues.
Until you have reflected,
Please try to show respect,
‘Cause even debt collectors
Are bound to have regrets.

Now let’s listen to Jill singing the song:

If you would like to give a theatrical style performance of one of these songs, you may use Jill’s accompaniment to sing the song with your own voice. Then send me an mp3 or mp4 file of what you have done. I could be featuring you in our next pub about The Debt Collector.

Copyright 2012 Aya Katz

All rights reserved.

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The World War II Theme in Inverted-A Press Books

Two of our authors at Inverted-A Press are World War II veterans: John Wheatcroft, the author The Portrait of a Lover and Jesse Bier, the author of Transatlantic Lives. 

John Wheatcroft speaks about his experiences during the war:

YouTube Preview Image

In his novel Transatlantic Lives,  Jesse Bier, who was himself awarded the purple heart, had this say:

Here’s treacherous truth, at least for men, the way
it’s always been—immemorial, probably genetic, dire—
rev’d up, insurmountable—over-coming pain, obviating
death—more shameful and unaccountable than the fear of
either or both—irresistible in its fits and starts—that war
is, in between the boring parts, Exciting. “Come and get
me!” in this instant is so confident and defiant, that you
know nobody will, that you know in this moment of
transcendent thrill you’ll last—you’ve already lasted—
Ed Nordstrom received the Purple Heart, just one,
not thirteen, but no Bronze Star for wounded bleeding
durable valor.
“Hell,” he said later, “no one, or everyone, there
should have had that, shot or not. And so what, anyway? To
stick it on a shelf somewhere? It’s only recognition, and it’s
enough I recognize myself.”

Those of us who were not there can only imagine. But sometimes it helps to read the words of someone who was there, to try to understand.



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Hocking the Family Jewels: The Value of Jewelry in Hard Times

Many people today still think of jewelry as a way to enhance their appearance, flaunt what they have, or express a genuine feeling of appreciation for another human being. But in these difficult financial times, jewelry is no longer just a luxury. It may very soon become the only valuable asset you own.

Your 401k may not be safe. Real estate values can plummet. Most international currencies are linked, so when the dollar goes,  the Euro and any other currency that you think may be reasonably stable now will also go.

What will maintain its value will be silver, gold and precious stones. And while you may have bought them as a status symbol, to commemorate your love or to enhance your appearance, today and in the near future, your jewelry may represent cash to pay the bills, buy food, and help make your way through a difficult financial landscape.

The video embedded below is from three years ago, when we thought the situation was bad. Imagine how it is now.

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Better than Craigs List and more discreet than going to the local pawnshop in order to have your jewelry appraised, Amazon Jewelry Online  is a very good place to go.

Say, for instance, that you have a LeVian Chocolate Diamond piece? How will you know what the going rate is?


Notice that for every item displayed there are two options: best price and buy new. The best price is one offered by an independent seller. That independent seller could be you. You can sign up to sell your jewelry on Amazon. It’s a professional service, it’s discreet, and it’s a reputable firm. What could be better?

Remember, things fluctuate in value depending on the market situation. A dollar is not always worth a dollar. Sometimes half a dollar is worth twelve dollars when it is made of silver. Sometimes a banknote is not worth the paper it is printed on.

If what used to be worth half a dollar in 1964 is going for $12.00 today on Amazon, then an investment today of $11,000 in a pair of LeVian earrings might well be enough to purchase a home in tomorrow’s economy. You never know what will happen after the fiscal cliff.

The bottom line: jewelry is an investment that can be bought and sold at the going rate. It is not just a luxury to enjoy when all is going well. Jewelry can save your life in hard times, and nobody is above hocking the family jewels, when the occasion calls for it. After all, what is jewelry really for, if not to show how much you care about your loved ones?


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Cell Phone Accessories Make Great Gifts for Christmas

In this day and age, cell phone usage is so prevalent, that even the Amish carry cellphones. When you are looking for a new and useful gift to get a family member or close friend, usually a cellphone would not be appropriate, because chances are that person already has a cell phone. But have you considered cellphone accessories as Christmas gifts?

There are all kinds of accessories. For those people who like the good old days, there is the retro smartphone handset. It allows you to go back in time and feel as if you are talking on a landline.


How cool is that? You can own the latest technology and yet disguise it to look really old!

But that’s just one of many choices. So why not just go see what’s available on Amazon?

Amazon cellphone accessories.

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Unique Holiday Gifts: A Pony for Christmas

What child does not want a pony of his or her very own. Unfortunately, most people do not have the resources to provide this once simple luxury. A pony requires land, a barn, feed and lots and lots of care. … Continue reading

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Archery – Bring Home the Best Quality Bows and Arrows

Archery has been man’s fancy for hundreds of years. It grew as a necessity to hunt but slowly developed into passion and entertainment. In the modern day, archery is considered a noble act and game.

The game consists of a bow and arrow, in which the former is made to focus on targets. The arrow is released with the help of pressure that is generated on the elongation of the bow. The game has always been considered a tough one because of the immense level of brain and eye work involved in it. If someone plays the game, they have to be very calculative. Strong ability to take measurements, judge distance, and strong muscle power helps to win the game.

Genesis Original Bow

If you are interested in playing archery, first you need to purchase a bow and arrow. For a beginner, consider a compound bow. Get used to using this before moving on to anything more expensive. For any advice on how to buy a bow, you can read game journals and look on the Internet. There is actually no say on how much practice you need before you can call yourself as an expert. Experience is the main ingredient in this game. The more you practice the better archer you become. With experience come many things that are not written in the books. You develop your strategies and methods, you understand how to better hit the target in the center.

Archery has been a sport in the Olympics since its inception but its face has changed a lot since then. The game has been modified technologically and players are now provided with more facilities than ever before. Earlier it was a raw game with just a bow and arrow and the point was to hit the target the closest. However, now points are allotted on various occasions and a final tally decides the winner.

Archery is a refined form of hunting. Earlier humans used to hunt animals for food or fun, the practice has continued except that the target is now a wooden block. The game is more fun than earning points and medals. To become a perfect archer the prerequisite is to have passion for the game not for fame. Worldwide people have appraised and liked this game and this has boosted its level more. More nations are now a part of the archery event in the Olympics and other sports meets and it looks brilliant to see the sport being so popular.

Are you wondering about exploring your passion for archery and don’t know from where to buy those best quality bows and arrows? If yes, don’t be worried anymore, check out our products now.

Archery, Bows and Arrows

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Save Money Online with Grocery Coupons from Amazon

I bet you buy books on Amazon.com. Maybe you buy presents for Christmas on Amazon. But have you ever thought to buy groceries online from Amazon? If you haven’t, there has never been a better time, because now you can get grocery coupons right here that will save you money on all your purchases. Just follow the link below to select the coupons you want to use.

Medora’s Special Coupon Offer

How does it work? To redeem a coupon, click on the coupon on the coupon page and then add the item to your cart. The discount will be automatically applied when you check out. Clipping coupons has never been easier!

Here are just a few of the many items that you could save on with a coupon from Amazon:



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Christmas Wish List: For the Little Boy Who Wants to Be a Pirate

What little boy does not want to be a pirate? Some of them want it so badly that they have convinced themselves they already are a pirate. This Christmas, you don’t have to spend very much to make your little pirate’s dreams come true.

Absolutely essential for any pirate is a spy glass or telescope. Here are a few selections that will really catch their eye! (Follow the links below for more information.)


Here are a few tips about what to look for in a truly excellent pirate spyglass: it should be made of brass, have real lenses that help to magnify distant objects and it should be telescoping. It should be able to fold up small, but open up big. Look at the selections below on Amazon.


Every pirate worth his salt needs a real compass that points to true north. Try some of those listed below on Amazon.


Now, we all know that you can’t be a true pirate unless you possess a treasure map, and luckily those are not as hard to come by as they used to be.


And of course, last but not least, what good is a treasure map if it does not lead to actual pirate treasure: gold doubloons, pieces of silver and the variety of precious gems.


And the best treasure of all is just a pile of gold coins!


This Christmas, it will not take much to make your little pirate truly happy. Just remember to include a set of keys for locking up the bad pirates in the brig. Get some antique pirate handcuffs. And throw in some leg shackles for good measure!


Ho, ho, ho is not just for Santa Claus. It is also for pirates!

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How to Compost Human Waste

Nature’s Head Dry Composting Toilet

Composting refers to the organic materials that have first been decomposed and then, different recycling processes are used in order to make the compound fit for use as a fertilizer. There are lot of different methods of composting and in today’s world, where we are aware of the different troubles of chemical fertilizers, and how they are entering in the food chain, natural composts are gaining a lot of importance and popularity.

Although, it may sound eerie or even repelling, it is worth adding that a lot of human waste is used as compost these days. It can turn out to be extremely helpful for people who have to attend to their garden and other plants when they are residing in between the woods with no access to other chemicals and fertilizers.

There are a lot of products that can help in turning human waste or sewage into useful compost, which can then be used as fertilizer for plants and would aid in enhancing the growth of plants. In the process of composting human waste, one has to take care of a wide range of different factors. The first thing that must be done is that people must take care to ensure that the strong odor and pathogens that are generally present in human fecal matter should be eliminated and destroyed.

In order to achieve this objective, the sewage is covered with a pile of sawdust. It is the presence of sawdust, which eliminates such harmful bacteria. After the bacteria has been killed, ample amount of organic materials must be mixed with sewage content because it will help in easy composting and shall enhance the speed of decomposition as well.

There are various other methods of performing the task as well. However, it is recommended that enough time must be given for the decomposition process. This is because, with time, the decomposition process gets complete and thus the sewage can be completely broken down and the compost that is finally made would be rich in a lot of different organic compounds and will aid in efficient growth of plants.

The best part of the process is that it can be carried out easily and does not require a lot of additional materials. This means that even those people who do not have easy and quick access to various different chemical fertilizers and other products that are being used extensively these days, can use human waste as compost and carry out efficient plant growth.

Not only this, using human waste as compost has also aided in efficient sewage treatment as well. Sewage treatment is becoming a big problem these days because if the waste is not treated properly and left unattended, it becomes home to a lot of different pathogens and bacteria, which in turn can add to medical complications. Hence, the process of turning human waste into compost is full of a lot of different benefits and it is bound to have a lot of dividends.

You should be aware of the details of the process. However, if you are not willing to do the process manually, you can make use of different products that carry out the process. You can find lot of toilets that do not actually flush the waste. Instead of flushing the waste, the waste gets stored in the bin where it is treated so that harmful bacteria and pathogens can be eliminated. Then, the process of decomposition starts, organic greens, and browns can be mixed to the mixture and then it is left for a fixed amount of time. With the right processing, the waste product then turns into compost.

Generally, the compost before use is dug in the soil layer. When the waste is dug, the natural bacteria present in the soil work on these layers and make them fit to be used as fertilizers. Hence, it is an extremely efficient chemical and can contribute immensely to the growth of plants.

Therefore, if you do not have access to chemical fertilizers, or you are looking to save the money that would be incurred in buying these fertilizers, or even if you are in favor of green fertilizers and composts, it is healthy to opt for such natural composts.

There is nothing wrong in treating human waste because essentially it ends up with the soil particles and ultimately turns to compost. So, check out the different types of products that can make this process of changing sewage to compost an easy task.

There is no doubt that the compost formed from human sewage will have lot of benefits for us, because they have contributed in growth of plants. So, check out the right ways of making smart use of the compost-forming product and thus ensure that you can extract the best utilization of your own waste as well.

Nature’s Head Dry Composting Toilet

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